[PD] How to add/remove MIDI notes from a list using MIDI in and note on/off?

JC Pedroza nemesis4go10 at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 13 00:29:56 CET 2014

But how can poly be used to solve this problem? Can someone provide an example? You are the second person that suggests its use but I can't for the life of me figure out why. A note-velocity pair comes in, a voicenumber-pitch-velocity triple comes out. That's all it does, right? What am I missing?

How would you guys use [poly] here?

Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 19:38:40 +0100
From: zmoelnig at iem.at
To: pd-list at lists.iem.at
Subject: Re: [PD] How to add/remove MIDI notes from a list using MIDI in and note on/off?

use [poly] instead?
it seems that it does exactly what you are trying to do.


On 11/11/2014 01:53 PM, JC Pedroza wrote:
> I need to populate a list with the MIDI notes that are being pressed, and remove the note from the list when the key is released.
> One idea is to use [notein], and if the velocity is> 0 then add the note to the list, and if the velocity == 0 then remove the note from the list. But I have no idea of how to implement this.
> I think I need [list-extend], [list-find], and [list-delete], but I just can't figure out an implementation.
> How can I do this?

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