[PD] expr "copysign" function doesn't seem to work

Alexandre Torres Porres porres at gmail.com
Sun Jun 7 23:40:27 CEST 2015

Great, I'll try to remember all bugs I found and test the object for even
more issues that there may be and then report them.

But I'd still like to know if anyone can fix this. I'm not sure how the
authorship works in this particular example. I know it's an "extra" feature
in vanilla, not maintained by miller, and it has a different license than

Well, maybe I could generalize this issue to any other objects and
libraries, because I see many of them marked as being maintained by some
people, but they don't really seem to be so in the real world. Another
example is that I pointed a bug about [partconv~] to the author/maintainer
and he said he was aware of it but "didn't have time to work on it"... so,
can they all be fixed and maintained by anyone? should we revise the
externals and libraries to see if we see new maintainers or mark them as

I ask this because I'm realy considering facing the challenge of learning
more about programming and helping out.


2015-06-07 18:26 GMT-03:00 IOhannes m zmölnig <zmoelnig at iem.at>:

> On 06/07/2015 11:17 PM, Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:
> > So, what could we do?
> in any case make a bug-report at sourceforge, so the information can be
> collected in a central place.
> usually, this makes it to not miss an issue (e.g. a bug report is only
> closed once it is resolved; not because i 'accidentally' marked my email
> as "read" after reading it).
> btw, all bug-reports that are opened on sf, will be automatically
> forwarded to the (dev) mailinglist, so people get aware of it promptly.
> gfardsm
> IOhannes
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