[PD] [PD-announce] pd 0.47-0test2 released

Christof Ressi christof.ressi at gmx.at
Fri Apr 29 11:40:25 CEST 2016

Also it would be cool to finally have a help file for [samplerate~], so users are more likely to understand and avoid its pitfalls (mainly with overlapping subpatches). I just made one, see the attachment.

Just in case you actually plan to include a help patch for [vsnapshot~], it would be great to mention that - unlike [vline~] - it's only sample accurate and not subsample accurate. I could, however, easily make a subsample accurate version of [vsnapshot~] as an abstraction, so I'm wondering if this difference in behaviour is actually on purpose or rather a bug?


Gesendet: Donnerstag, 28. April 2016 um 06:07 Uhr
Von: "Alexandre Torres Porres" <porres at gmail.com>
An: "Miller Puckette" <mpuckett at imusic1.ucsd.edu>
Cc: "pd-list at lists.iem.at" <pd-list at lists.iem.at>
Betreff: Re: [PD] [PD-announce] pd 0.47-0test2 released

a few other things I think we could easily sneak into the next release, related to documentation.
1- re-include "paf~" external - it could be brought back now that its patent is over, The F13 example still mentions the existence of this object, so an external should exist or this mention needs to be removed.

2- there's no help for [vnsapshot~], include one?
 3- no help file for [clip]
4 - There are these 2 midi objects in vanilla ([midirealtimein] & [midiclkin]) that have no help file and are not mentioned in the midi-help.pd file, neither are present in the "MIDI and OSC" section of help-intro.pd

2016-04-27 12:18 GMT-03:00 Alexandre Torres Porres <porres at gmail.com[porres at gmail.com]>:
yeah, apple always complains about installing pd, but once you say "hey, it's fine, I'm taking the risk" it never bothers you again - as with vanilla 0.46-7 
apparently something changed now and is making things harder 

2016-04-27 5:15 GMT-03:00 Pierre Guillot <guillotpierre6 at gmail.com[guillotpierre6 at gmail.com]>:

> which alert window?> what is the "same" you are referring to?
My mistake, I thought having the same problem than Alexandre (the window saying that the app comes from an unidentified developer). 
> no matter how many times i tell mac os it is fine to open pd-47 test, it keeps saying it's from an undentified developer...
> anybody else or just me?
But in fact my window says that the app comes from the web. I changed the privileges of the app, now PD works fine.
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