[PD] (wip) Preferences file.

zmoelnig at iem.at zmoelnig at iem.at
Mon Feb 20 20:21:16 CET 2017

On 02/20/2017 07:26 PM, Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-list wrote:
> Ok, if that's the case then I would suggest not to add a user-facing font-metrics option.


i'd also like to add, that we should not (ever) add an option with the
sole purpose of working around bugs.
if you consider the slightly different font sizes a bug (and i gather
you do), then we should find a solution to the bug itself (rather than
provide an easy way to make everything worse).
if you only consider them an annoyance, you might want to investigate in
creating a gui-plugin that fixes the problem.
(it seems that currently, Pd-gui signals the font metrics back to
Pd-core, which will (among other things) trigger Pd-core to load it's
libraries. it might be worth entangling *that*)


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