[PD] soundfiler features

Alexandre Torres Porres porres at gmail.com
Tue Feb 21 14:39:28 CET 2017

Ed Kelly

I couldn't agree more

by the way, I just released a cyclone update and it has an abstraction that
I made which clones max's buffer~ and it has about 90% of its features. One
that is missing is just something like you described, which is being able
to know how many channels are there in the file and upload it accordingly
with that many channels.

I even have more requests I wanted to add, which would be also giving the
sample rate of the file.

Those two informations would make [soundfiler] really more powerful


2017-02-21 8:01 GMT-03:00 Ed Kelly via Pd-list <pd-list at lists.iem.at>:

> Apologies if this is a distraction.
> The soundfiler object is clearly fundamental to digital music.
> I think it needs a makeover. I'm willing to help, but it's been getting
> particularly difficult and I think, unnecessarily complicated to create
> patches that automatically load a folder of sound files which may be mono
> or stereo (or even quad?).
> Since this information is contained within the header of each file
> (although it's a pain with the different formats), would it not be sensible
> to have a second outlet in soundfiler that delivers the number of channels,
> before the number of samples in the file is delivered from the left outlet?
> Perhaps also other info, but what would be relevant to a patch? I think
> channels is a necessary piece of information.
> I prod you for a feature, and I probably have as many of these cattle prod
> moments hitting me from behind as I work on my patches.
> Cheers,
> Bisous,
> Ed
> _-_-_-_-_-_-_-^-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
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