[PD] Pure data 32 et 64 bits installation in the same machine question

javier contreras javier.contreras.barria at gmail.com
Fri Nov 22 10:21:05 CET 2019

Hello all,

This is my first post here, so first of all I want to thank all of puredata
staff and community around the world for your great work and all energy you
spend for this project ! Also, I want to excuse me for the bad english…

I’m trying to install two versions of puredata in the same Windows
machine : 32 and 64 bits. This because I’m working with hidin and I don’t
find a 64 bits version of hidin for win.

When I set preferences for installing 64 bit libraries in (deken) pd 64
then the preferences of pd 32 bits change in the same way… so I think that
preference are stored in the same folder for two different installation… is
that right ?

How can I say to puredata 64 bits to get different preferences that
puredata 32 bits ?

Thanks for all,

Javier Contreras
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