[PD] Can someone build midifile for mac and linux?

IOhannes m zmölnig zmoelnig at iem.at
Mon Jun 8 15:05:29 CEST 2020

On 6/7/20 5:09 PM, João Pais wrote:
> Hi list,
> Martin Peach has released a new version of midifile. But since in the
> present situation he's not able to get to his computers, the binaries
> for the mac and linux versions can't be built and uploaded to deken.

there's so many continuous-integration services (CI) that hook into git
and which make automatic building of externals much easier.

e.g. for most of my externals i have a setup that whenever i push a new
change to my respository, it will be recompiled from scratch on
linux/amd64, linux/i386, linux/armhf (raspberry pi), linux/arm64,
windows/amd64, windows/i386 and darwin/amd64.
whenever i push a tag (aka: release), the binaries produced will also be
upload automatically to deken.

i only need physical access to a single machine (usually my trusty
linux/amd64 developer notebook; but that actually doesn't matter).

just a slight nudging to move from SVN to git :-)


PS: to be honest, none of this comes by magic; and instead required
setting up. it's just that in the git-ecosystem there are many more
actual options to do set up such an autobuild system than in the
svn-world or the cvs-era.

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