[PD] packed floats to select object changes the select value

Christof Ressi info at christofressi.com
Mon Sep 21 11:53:33 CEST 2020

> add a list method to truncate incoming lists to the first item. ... 
> Would that work? 

Unfortunately no, because [select] already has a (default) list method. 
Also I don't see why the behavior should depend on the presence of 
creation arguments...

In Pd we can *extend* behavior, but we can never *change* existing 
behavior, unless it is clearly a bug - which is not the case here!

> The issue is that accidentally sending a list to the select object 
> invisibly changes its behaviour
Well, the same happens if you accidentally send a list to [+], [-], 
[del], [metro], [line], etc.

What we *could* improve is the help patch, i.e. make it clear that list 
messages are distributed across inlets. But then we would actually have 
to do this for all the other objects...

As others have already pointed out: unless the help patch explicitly 
mentions a list method, the object has a default list method, which 
distributes items across inlets. When in doubt, use [t f] to prevent 
list messages.


On 21.09.2020 02:52, Matt Davey wrote:
> Here’s my proposal:
> If a sel object is created with arguments, add a list method to 
> truncate incoming lists to the first item.
> If a sel object is created without any arguments, behaviour stays the 
> way it currently is.
> Would that work?
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