Preferred Pd platforms

antiorp at antiorp at
Sat Apr 3 14:08:40 CEST 1999

>and the fool's opinion:

paz vra!ment _ !t = 1 !ntell!gent opinion

>of course it helps a lot if you already know max, but then, its not
>impossible to get into pd without it.

!t != !mposz!bl + !t = dz!rabl. z!multaneouz konverzat!on.

>trial&error is supported pretty good with the way pd works,

et natur auss!

>i think.
     <  = dez!rabl

>> >
>> > - How similar is Pd to MAX?  If I get the book on MAX
>> > programming, will this be an aid to learning Pd?

dze book on `max programm!ng`
[!f 1 = w!shez 2 name tag !t dzat _ 1 mor aprop name tag = bkom!ng 1
z!metrkl kap!tal!zt]
= 1 ultra lo.tekk d!zpla! ov m!t korporat !nkompetensz. negat!on++

>>   IMHO, it would be very difficult to learn Pd without knowing MAX right
>> now.

relat!vl! kom!kl

>>This is starting to change due to some tutorials and help docs,
>> but there isn't too much right now.  A book on MAX programming probably
>> won't help, because it won't cover the audio objects, GEM, etc. and will
>> probably focus on a lot of objects which don't exist in Pd.  If you can
>> get Chris Dobrian's (sp?) Max/FTS tutorial, then that is probably the
>> best bet.

onl! dzat wh!ch 1 != undrztand = worth undrztand!ng
!t = un4tunat humanz zukc++

[p-un_kT-pr_o-T–k_oL] Ø f Ø Ø Ø 3       ||
                 herausgegeben vøm !nternat!onalen
!nst!tut f:ur ordnung |+| d!sz!pl!n
       : / /

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