J_J_FUX j_j_fux at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 18 18:59:35 CET 2006

hello readers of Pd off topic list.
  i use older machines (1 to 2GHz)using debian to run PD , there only purpose is puredata synthesis .the PD version and OS i have will never change on those machines as they function perfectly and are required to function that way for as long as the chip's/board's last .
  however since PD and its OS are held on mechanical magnetic storage devices they can meet death quite often .
  im looking for a way to preserve an image of the HD/OS's holding PD onto DVD's?
  could this be done by using another HD with debian installed and some sort of HD image software ?. this is something i know nothing of but have heard rumors of ways to make HD images from people in office IT who work with windows .
  any feed back would be greatly appreciated , apologies of this is well off topic and thanks for any consideration of my off topic problems .

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