[Pdweb] Proposal wrt. guide new users with silk gloves

marius schebella marius.schebella at gmail.com
Mon Feb 26 19:18:37 CET 2007

what if you only have write permissions to your local folder, but every 
new post will also show up on the front page or let's say the front page 
of the forum with a link to your homefolder and possibility to comment 
the article.

Georg Holzmann wrote:
> Hallo!
> I want to reactivate this discussion, so that it wasn't for nothing ... ;)
> So on what did we decide now?
> Can we at least open the community folder for members ? (well, I would 
> be for all puredata.org but not the main page)
> Then the members would have write privilegs in their home and community 
> folder.
> LG
> Georg
>>>> I've been thinking about how to best and with less changes to the 
>>>> current website make the into-tour to Pd land feel more like trip to 
>>>> Bhutan; or Nangijala if you prefer.
>>>> My focus was fist to give a more detailed explanation of what 
>>>> opportunities there are with respect to getting Pd. The fist easy 
>>>> step was to add extra information to the downloads section (and maybe 
>>>> rename it to "getting Pd"), but i've fund that it might be better to 
>>>> do some more through out chances to the site, which i think will be a 
>>>> good solution in the long run.
>>> I think "downloads" is appropriate since most software pages use that 
>>> term for the page where you get the software, from my experience.
>> Ok. Gentoo, fx, uses 'get gentoo'. But the reason for changing it wasn't 
>> that, as mush as it was to hint more insight. It can be "downloads" for 
>> me, it not the end of the world.
>>>> 2) some explicit examples that can be downloaded, much like the 
>>>> examples on the processing site. This have been discussed before, 
>>>> where the conclusion more or less were, that having both a curated 
>>>> showroom regularly updated and a more alive share-your-work-section 
>>>> on the website would be more desirable then a static example section 
>>>> just. I still agree. But i'd rather have a static example section 
>>>> then nothing. And it seam more likely that such think cold happen 
>>>> then the other. And then it will be more in line with this About 
>>>> section, it could use more digestible examples, which would let fx a 
>>>> showroom use it's potential to have a more advanced and arty focus.
>>> I think this should be the showroom.  We should strongly encourage 
>>> people to include the sources.  It could also be a question for the 
>>> curator at the time.  If I was curating, I think I would only include 
>>> works that release at least some of the sources.
>> I'd like such showroom too. But a section with easy examples related to 
>> the About page i think would be a good start. It could be seen as 
>> redundant given the material in the help browser, but displaying a few 
>> easy things in a webpage i think will fertilizes downloading Pd in the 
>> fist place. Again, it's not the end of the world, and if there at some 
>> point will be a showroom, the examples section could just end with a 
>> pointer to that showroom for more material.
>>>>  3) a page describing the goods in the Pd shop (vanilla, pd-extended, 
>>>> devel, externals, abstractions, pddp, etc). This section in 
>>>> particular i think new users would benefit from knowing from the 
>>>> start. i wish i did.
>>> I don't think newbies need to know about the subsections "externals", 
>>> "abstractions", "pddp", etc.  But yes to the vanilla/pd-extended/devel 
>>> discussion.  I tried to explain on the downloads page, but I suppose 
>>> it could be made clearer.
>> My newbie experience is that i wanted to know about these thinks before 
>> i started patching. I don't think it should be the fist thing displayed, 
>> but there are users to whom it matters how things could put together - 
>> or how things are organized. As for abstractions, i think even more 
>> new'ish users like to know about it.
>>>> The documentation section. There will be pointers from that about 
>>>> section 3) to appropriate pages or parts of the documentation 
>>>> section. Fx. about how to build Pd or externals one self. I think it 
>>>> would be nice to have a sub-section of the documentation dedicated to 
>>>> building. That is move the general building stuff out of the dev 
>>>> section and into the user docs.
>>> "user docs" should be newbie focused, but build stuff could go in an 
>>> "advanced" section I suppose.  But generally, building software is 
>>> categorized as "developer" stuff, from my experience.  To me, it is 
>>> very important that we do not needlessly create our own categories for 
>>> these things.  There is a pretty broad consensus for how to label and 
>>> categorize these things on websites which I think we should follow.
>> Ok. I don't want to create new categories. It's not that. It's just  
>> that in this particular situation the line between building as a user 
>> and building as a developer is thin. It does makes sense to build stuff 
>> as a user, as it does makes sense to bug report as a user. I might be 
>> off the bat.  Anyways, it's not the end of the world to me where the 
>> info is placed.
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