[Pdweb] Pd-FAQ [was; Re: puredata.org survey]

IOhannes m zmoelnig zmoelnig at iem.at
Mon Oct 22 10:22:38 CEST 2007

Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
> IOhannes' method looks intriguing, but I would like to see things on  
> puredata.org be very easy to use, rather than more efficient for a  
> manager.  If it's setup for a manager, then only the manager is going  
> to ever use it.  If it can be made really easy, so that you don't  
> need to read any docs to use it, then it's the best of all worlds.

i agree.

however, i thought that it might be way more easy to use.
i don't see a benefit for the manager of the site in using yet another 
product (apart from a personal "hey i have made this work too!!")

personally i think it rather non-user-friendly if the user wants to add 
a new faq item and has to skip through dozens of pages of text to find 
the relevant section in a weird markup language which somebody has set 
for them and which fucks up the entire site if they change it.
furthermore, if they by accident delete a line or another, this will 
eventually have side-effects which they don't want (like disappearing 
TOC by accidentally deleting the line with "[[TableOfContents]]" or "..


PS: btw i am wondering why the built-in HTML editor does not seem to work...

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