[GEM-dev] gemcvs pix_texture: not using client storage??

IOhannes zmoelnig zmoelnig at iem.kug.ac.at
Tue Jan 13 08:44:07 CET 2004

cgc wrote:
> On Jan 12, 2004, at 12:48 PM, <ben at ekran.org> wrote:
>> I still don't understand pix_texture "mode 0" though, since I also can't
>> get live video to texture on OSX without it. (geforce cards perhaps?)
> "mode 0" is power-of-two texturing where the texcoords are in the range 
> 0..1.  "mode 1" is for rectangle textures with texcoords from 0..height 
> and 0..width.  that's why using 'mode 1' results in the 'One Big Pixel 
> Syndrome'.  only a few objects accept the rectangle coords like square, 
> rectangle and cube, and because pix_texture doesn't know which Geos come 
> after it, there is no way to automagically set this flag.  a name change 
> might clarify what the flag does.  'texture type ?'  'texture mode ?'  ????

probably "rectangle $1" ?
we could then turn on/off "special" texturing, like rectangle or 
client-storage independently, which would also help at debugging.

> the only way to fix this is to rewrite all of the glu based objects like 
> sphere and cylinder to accept whatever coordinate range defined by 
> pix_texture and not assume that it will always be 0..1.  i plan to do 
> this in the near term, 

and i have thought of finally rolling in the stupid teapot, this is: 
copy'n'paste the code from glut so we don't have that dependency any more.
what do we need the teapot for ? still a cool complex object for 
testing, and it is the standard 3d-object.


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