[GEM-dev] compiler error with gcc 3.4

Hans-Christoph Steiner hans at eds.org
Fri Sep 15 19:46:18 CEST 2006

On Sep 15, 2006, at 6:45 AM, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:

> Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
>>> Build it without SSE or try another GCC version.
>> This means that SSE2 will be disabled on all auto-builds until  
>> there is
> how come?
>> a system-wide method of specifying target CPUs.  Perhaps there is
>> another way around it.

Your answer is in the above line.  Feel free to implement something  
that will manage building for different CPUs for the whole shebang.   
That would be very nice and probably not too hard.  Its mostly  
already there for the Pd-extended build stuff.  It would mostly be a  
matter of sending the write gcc options to the pd and Gem builds.

> ./configure --disable-sse2
> apart from that, you might really want to send a bug-report to the
> gcc-developers...
> (i don't have any debian/stable systems here to do it myself, and i
> don't want to go back there just to trigger a bug)

The gcc bug submission process is onerous, and since I don't know  
that code base, it would probably take me 12 hours to figure  
everything out.

How about having --disable-sse2 as the default?  It would save a lot  
of people a lot of time on support requests if ./configure && make  
compiled Gem on the bulk of systems.  Plus it would make  
incorporating Gem in the auto-builds much cleaner and less error  
prone.  Devs who need custom setups can easily put ./configure -- 
enable-foo --enable-bar in a little script, for example.



Man has survived hitherto because he was too ignorant to know how to  
realize his wishes.  Now that he can realize them, he must either  
change them, or perish.    -William Carlos Williams

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