[GEM-dev] wolfram mathematica fonts support

Patrice Colet pat at mamalala.org
Wed Sep 12 19:06:18 CEST 2007

Patrice Colet a écrit :
> Peter Plessas a écrit :
>> * Patrice Colet <pat at mamalala.org> [2007-09-12 18:29]:
>>>   Hello,
>>>   I hope I am adressing this mail to the right mailing-list.
>>>   I've got problems with finding FTGL compatible math fonts, could you 
>>> help me for adding mathematica fonts support or any other efficient font 
>>> for writing in gemwin the famous Maxwell equations?
>> Hi Patrice,
>> If you want to display the formula statically you could render a picture
>> with it using [pix_image], but i am sure you already thought about that
>> one.
>> lg, PP
>   Yes, this is my last ressource indeed, I will have to render each 
> symbol on a picture, and then add alpha to the background.
>   Using [text2d], or even better: [textextruded] would have been less 
> complicated, and would have required less job, but if I have no other 
> choice, let me do this gargantuan task...(*sighs*)...

  Hi again,
I forgot to tell that I didn't want to display formulas statically, ;), .


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