[PD-announce] ratts: realtime analog text-to-speech

Bryan Jurish moocow at ling.uni-potsdam.de
Sun Jan 12 05:33:05 CET 2003

Hi all,

Anyone who wishes to hear PD speak may wish to check
out my new "ratts" library, based on Nick Ing-Simmons'
"rsynth-2.0" and Jon Iles' "klatt3.04", and on 
Travis Newhouse's "mapper", via Orm's "maphash".

This library replaces my "klatt~" external (which it
now includes), and allows full text-to-speech synthesis
within PD without any nasty resampling or shameless
cpu-blocking. There are even some rudiments for a
potential "singing voice" abstraction.

The library probably will not enter CVS until it
reaches version 1.0, when I hope to have it using
all GPL code; for the moment, there are some lurking
question marks.  For now, it's available from me at:


Tested under linux.

Short summary of objects included:

         klatt~ : Klatt cascade-parallel formant speech synthesizer
         holmes : Holmes/Mattingly/Shearme phonetic interpreter
  phones2holmes : phone-string to Holmes-element converter
    guessphones : NRL english to phone-string converter
    number2text : number to english text converter
       rattstok : raw text tokenizer
        toupper : upper-case symbol normalizer
      rattshash : Auto-resizing hash table
     rattshread : Auto-resizing hash table reader
    rattshwrite : Auto-resizing hash table writer

         ratts~ : full text-to-speech abstraction
      rattsdict : shareable dictionary

      mkdicttxt : create a "rattshash"-readable dictionary
                  from a raw text source (beep or cmudict).

peace, love, and marmosets,

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