[PD-announce] PuREST JSON 0.11

Thomas Mayer thomas at residuum.org
Sat Feb 23 17:04:29 CET 2013


version 0.11 of PuREST JSON is released. Codename: Long string is long.

PuREST JSON is a library for working with RESTful HTTP webservices,  and
JSON data.

Authentication and authorization for webservices are available with
basic HTTP auth, cookie authentication, and OAuth. As an example for
OAuth authenticated webservices, a Twitter client is included.

Changes in the new version:
- symbols can be longer than MAXPDLENGTH (1024 characters)
- [json-decode] works with lists and any other data type as well
- Setting request timeout for [rest] and [oauth] possible
- Cleaning up of source code and help files
- Bugfixes:
  -- [oauth] posts data again
  -- Fixed segfault in Windows at errors

Github page: https://github.com/residuum/PuRestJson
Binary downloads for Windows and Debian:
Build instructions: https://github.com/residuum/PuRestJson/wiki/Compilation

Have fun,
{"name": "Thomas"}
"Ich komme aus dem Staunen nicht heraus."
"Dann bleib halt drin, du Seppel"
(Dietmar Dath - Die Abschaffung der Arten)

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