[PD-cvs] externals/iem/comport/comport comport.dsp, NONE, 1.1 comport.dsw, NONE, 1.1 makefile_win, NONE, 1.1

musil tmusil at users.sourceforge.net
Fri Dec 15 14:36:16 CET 2006

Update of /cvsroot/pure-data/externals/iem/comport/comport
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv7031/iem/comport/comport

Added Files:
	comport.dsp comport.dsw makefile_win 
Log Message:
for windows

--- NEW FILE: comport.dsw ---
(This appears to be a binary file; contents omitted.)

--- NEW FILE: makefile_win ---

all: comport.dll

VIS_CPP_PATH = "C:\Programme\Microsoft Visual Studio\Vc98"

PD_INST_PATH = "C:\Programme\pd"



PD_WIN_L_FLAGS = /nologo

	$(VIS_CPP_PATH)\lib\libc.lib \
	$(VIS_CPP_PATH)\lib\oldnames.lib \
	$(VIS_CPP_PATH)\lib\kernel32.lib \
	$(VIS_CPP_PATH)\lib\wsock32.lib \
	$(VIS_CPP_PATH)\lib\winmm.lib \
	$(PD_INST_PATH)\bin\pthreadVC.lib \

SRC =	comport.c

OBJ = $(SRC:.c=.obj)


comport.dll: $(OBJ)
	link $(PD_WIN_L_FLAGS) /dll /export:comport_setup \
	/out:comport.dll $(OBJ) $(PD_WIN_LIB)

	del *.obj

--- NEW FILE: comport.dsp ---
# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="comport" - Package Owner=<4>
# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00

# TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) External Target" 0x0106

CFG=comport - Win32 Debug
!MESSAGE Dies ist kein gültiges Makefile. Zum Erstellen dieses Projekts mit NMAKE
!MESSAGE verwenden Sie den Befehl "Makefile exportieren" und führen Sie den Befehl
!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "comport.mak".
!MESSAGE Sie können beim Ausführen von NMAKE eine Konfiguration angeben
!MESSAGE durch Definieren des Makros CFG in der Befehlszeile. Zum Beispiel:
!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "comport.mak" CFG="comport - Win32 Debug"
!MESSAGE Für die Konfiguration stehen zur Auswahl:
!MESSAGE "comport - Win32 Release" (basierend auf  "Win32 (x86) External Target")
!MESSAGE "comport - Win32 Debug" (basierend auf  "Win32 (x86) External Target")

# Begin Project
# PROP AllowPerConfigDependencies 0
# PROP Scc_ProjName ""
# PROP Scc_LocalPath ""

!IF  "$(CFG)" == "comport - Win32 Release"

# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0
# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Release"
# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Release"
# PROP BASE Cmd_Line "NMAKE /f makefile_win"
# PROP BASE Rebuild_Opt "/a"
# PROP BASE Target_File "makefile_win.exe"
# PROP BASE Bsc_Name "makefile_win.bsc"
# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0
# PROP Output_Dir "Release"
# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Release"
# PROP Cmd_Line "NMAKE /f makefile_win"
# PROP Rebuild_Opt "/a"
# PROP Target_File "comport.exe"
# PROP Bsc_Name "comport.bsc"
# PROP Target_Dir ""

!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "comport - Win32 Debug"

# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1
# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Debug"
# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Debug"
# PROP BASE Cmd_Line "NMAKE /f makefile_win"
# PROP BASE Rebuild_Opt "/a"
# PROP BASE Target_File "makefile_win.exe"
# PROP BASE Bsc_Name "makefile_win.bsc"
# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1
# PROP Output_Dir "Debug"
# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Debug"
# PROP Cmd_Line "NMAKE /f makefile_win"
# PROP Rebuild_Opt "/a"
# PROP Target_File "comport.exe"
# PROP Bsc_Name "comport.bsc"
# PROP Target_Dir ""


# Begin Target

# Name "comport - Win32 Release"
# Name "comport - Win32 Debug"

!IF  "$(CFG)" == "comport - Win32 Release"

!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "comport - Win32 Debug"


# Begin Source File

# End Source File
# End Target
# End Project

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