[PD-cvs] SF.net SVN: pure-data: [9473] vendor

eighthave at users.sourceforge.net eighthave at users.sourceforge.net
Fri Feb 22 07:02:19 CET 2008

Revision: 9473
Author:   eighthave
Date:     2008-02-21 22:02:18 -0800 (Thu, 21 Feb 2008)

Log Message:
importing libsndfile-1.0.17.tar.gz

Added Paths:

Added: vendor/libsndfile/current/AUTHORS
--- vendor/libsndfile/current/AUTHORS	                        (rev 0)
+++ vendor/libsndfile/current/AUTHORS	2008-02-22 06:02:18 UTC (rev 9473)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+The main author of libsndfile is Erik de Castro Lopo <erikd at mega-nerd.com>.
+The code in the src/GSM610 directory was written by Jutta Degener 
+<jutta at cs.tu-berlin.de> and Carsten Bormann <cabo at cs.tu-berlin.de>.
+They should not be contacted in relation to libsndfile or the GSM 6.10 code 
+that is part of libsndfile. Their original code can be found at:
+    http://kbs.cs.tu-berlin.de/~jutta/toast.html
+Code in the src/G72x directory was released by Sun Microsystems, Inc. to the 
+public domain. Minor modifications were required to integrate these files 
+into libsndfile. The changes are listed in src/G72x/ChangeLog.

Added: vendor/libsndfile/current/COPYING
--- vendor/libsndfile/current/COPYING	                        (rev 0)
+++ vendor/libsndfile/current/COPYING	2008-02-22 06:02:18 UTC (rev 9473)
@@ -0,0 +1,503 @@
+                       Version 2.1, February 1999
+ Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+     59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+[This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL.  It also counts
+ as the successor of the GNU Library Public License, version 2, hence
+ the version number 2.1.]
+                            Preamble
+  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
+Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change
+free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.
+  This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to some
+specially designated software packages--typically libraries--of the
+Free Software Foundation and other authors who decide to use it.  You
+can use it too, but we suggest you first think carefully about whether
+this license or the ordinary General Public License is the better
+strategy to use in any particular case, based on the explanations below.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom of use,
+not price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that
+you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge
+for this service if you wish); that you receive source code or can get
+it if you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of
+it in new free programs; and that you are informed that you can do
+these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+distributors to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender these
+rights.  These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for
+you if you distribute copies of the library or if you modify it.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis
+or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave
+you.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source
+code.  If you link other code with the library, you must provide
+complete object files to the recipients, so that they can relink them
+with the library after making changes to the library and recompiling
+it.  And you must show them these terms so they know their rights.
+  We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we copyright the
+library, and (2) we offer you this license, which gives you legal
+permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library.
+  To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear that
+there is no warranty for the free library.  Also, if the library is
+modified by someone else and passed on, the recipients should know
+that what they have is not the original version, so that the original
+author's reputation will not be affected by problems that might be
+introduced by others.
+  Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of
+any free program.  We wish to make sure that a company cannot
+effectively restrict the users of a free program by obtaining a
+restrictive license from a patent holder.  Therefore, we insist that
+any patent license obtained for a version of the library must be
+consistent with the full freedom of use specified in this license.
+  Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the
+ordinary GNU General Public License.  This license, the GNU Lesser
+General Public License, applies to certain designated libraries, and
+is quite different from the ordinary General Public License.  We use
+this license for certain libraries in order to permit linking those
+libraries into non-free programs.
+  When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using
+a shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a
+combined work, a derivative of the original library.  The ordinary
+General Public License therefore permits such linking only if the
+entire combination fits its criteria of freedom.  The Lesser General
+Public License permits more lax criteria for linking other code with
+the library.
+  We call this license the "Lesser" General Public License because it
+does Less to protect the user's freedom than the ordinary General
+Public License.  It also provides other free software developers Less
+of an advantage over competing non-free programs.  These disadvantages
+are the reason we use the ordinary General Public License for many
+libraries.  However, the Lesser license provides advantages in certain
+special circumstances.
+  For example, on rare occasions, there may be a special need to
+encourage the widest possible use of a certain library, so that it becomes
+a de-facto standard.  To achieve this, non-free programs must be
+allowed to use the library.  A more frequent case is that a free
+library does the same job as widely used non-free libraries.  In this
+case, there is little to gain by limiting the free library to free
+software only, so we use the Lesser General Public License.
+  In other cases, permission to use a particular library in non-free
+programs enables a greater number of people to use a large body of
+free software.  For example, permission to use the GNU C Library in
+non-free programs enables many more people to use the whole GNU
+operating system, as well as its variant, the GNU/Linux operating
+  Although the Lesser General Public License is Less protective of the
+users' freedom, it does ensure that the user of a program that is
+linked with the Library has the freedom and the wherewithal to run
+that program using a modified version of the Library.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.  Pay close attention to the difference between a
+"work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library".  The
+former contains code derived from the library, whereas the latter must
+be combined with the library in order to run.
+  0. This License Agreement applies to any software library or other
+program which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or
+other authorized party saying it may be distributed under the terms of
+this Lesser General Public License (also called "this License").
+Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+  A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data
+prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs
+(which use some of those functions and data) to form executables.
+  The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work
+which has been distributed under these terms.  A "work based on the
+Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under
+copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a
+portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated
+straightforwardly into another language.  (Hereinafter, translation is
+included without limitation in the term "modification".)
+  "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it.  For a library, complete source code means
+all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated
+interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation
+and installation of the library.
+  Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
+running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from
+such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based
+on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for
+writing it).  Whether that is true depends on what the Library does
+and what the program that uses the Library does.
+  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's
+complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that
+you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an
+appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact
+all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any
+warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the
+  You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy,
+and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a
+  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) The modified work must itself be a software library.
+    b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices
+    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+    c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no
+    charge to all third parties under the terms of this License.
+    d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a
+    table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses
+    the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility
+    is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that,
+    in the event an application does not supply such function or
+    table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of
+    its purpose remains meaningful.
+    (For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has
+    a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the
+    application.  Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any
+    application-supplied function or table used by this function must
+    be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square
+    root function must still compute square roots.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Library.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library
+with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+  3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public
+License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library.  To do
+this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so
+that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2,
+instead of to this License.  (If a newer version than version 2 of the
+ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify
+that version instead if you wish.)  Do not make any other change in
+these notices.
+  Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for
+that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all
+subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy.
+  This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of
+the Library into a program that is not a library.
+  4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or
+derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form
+under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany
+it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which
+must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a
+medium customarily used for software interchange.
+  If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy
+from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the
+source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to
+distribute the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+  5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the
+Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or
+linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library".  Such a
+work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and
+therefore falls outside the scope of this License.
+  However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library
+creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it
+contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the
+library".  The executable is therefore covered by this License.
+Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables.
+  When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file
+that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a
+derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not.
+Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be
+linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library.  The
+threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law.
+  If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data
+structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline
+functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object
+file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative
+work.  (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the
+Library will still fall under Section 6.)
+  Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may
+distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6.
+Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6,
+whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself.
+  6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or
+link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a
+work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work
+under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit
+modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse
+engineering for debugging such modifications.
+  You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the
+Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by
+this License.  You must supply a copy of this License.  If the work
+during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the
+copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference
+directing the user to the copy of this License.  Also, you must do one
+of these things:
+    a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding
+    machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever
+    changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under
+    Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked
+    with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that
+    uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the
+    user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified
+    executable containing the modified Library.  (It is understood
+    that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the
+    Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application
+    to use the modified definitions.)
+    b) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the
+    Library.  A suitable mechanism is one that (1) uses at run time a
+    copy of the library already present on the user's computer system,
+    rather than copying library functions into the executable, and (2)
+    will operate properly with a modified version of the library, if
+    the user installs one, as long as the modified version is
+    interface-compatible with the version that the work was made with.
+    c) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at
+    least three years, to give the same user the materials
+    specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more
+    than the cost of performing this distribution.
+    d) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy
+    from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above
+    specified materials from the same place.
+    e) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these
+    materials or that you have already sent this user a copy.
+  For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the
+Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for
+reproducing the executable from it.  However, as a special exception,
+the materials to be distributed need not include anything that is
+normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major
+components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on
+which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies
+the executable.
+  It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license
+restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally
+accompany the operating system.  Such a contradiction means you cannot
+use both them and the Library together in an executable that you
+  7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the
+Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library
+facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined
+library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on
+the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise
+permitted, and provided that you do these two things:
+    a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work
+    based on the Library, uncombined with any other library
+    facilities.  This must be distributed under the terms of the
+    Sections above.
+    b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact
+    that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining
+    where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
+  8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute
+the Library except as expressly provided under this License.  Any
+attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or
+distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your
+rights under this License.  However, parties who have received copies,
+or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses
+terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.
+  9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Library or its derivative works.  These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the
+Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Library or works based on it.
+  10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the
+Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library
+subject to these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with
+this License.
+  11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Library at all.  For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Library.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any
+particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply,
+and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances.
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system which is
+implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+  12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add
+an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries,
+so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus
+excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if
+written in the body of this License.
+  13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new
+versions of the Lesser General Public License from time to time.
+Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version,
+but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Library
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and
+"any later version", you have the option of following the terms and
+conditions either of that version or of any later version published by
+the Free Software Foundation.  If the Library does not specify a
+license version number, you may choose any version ever published by
+the Free Software Foundation.
+  14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these,
+write to the author to ask for permission.  For software which is
+copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free
+Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this.  Our
+decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status
+of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing
+and reuse of software generally.
+                            NO WARRANTY
+                     END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS
+           How to Apply These Terms to Your New Libraries
+  If you develop a new library, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, we recommend making it free software that
+everyone can redistribute and change.  You can do so by permitting
+redistribution under these terms (or, alternatively, under the terms of the
+ordinary General Public License).
+  To apply these terms, attach the following notices to the library.  It is
+safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the
+"copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+    <one line to give the library's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
+    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    Lesser General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the library, if
+necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
+  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the
+  library `Frob' (a library for tweaking knobs) written by James Random Hacker.
+  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1990
+  Ty Coon, President of Vice
+That's all there is to it!

Added: vendor/libsndfile/current/ChangeLog
--- vendor/libsndfile/current/ChangeLog	                        (rev 0)
+++ vendor/libsndfile/current/ChangeLog	2008-02-22 06:02:18 UTC (rev 9473)
@@ -0,0 +1,6316 @@
+2006-08-31 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * configure.ac docs/*.html
+    Changes for release 1.0.17.
+2006-08-08 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/flac.c
+    Remove inline from functions called by pointer. Thanks to Sampo Savolainen
+    for notifying me of this.
+2006-07-31 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/sndfile.hh
+    Add writeSync method.
+    Add copy constructor and assignment operator (thanks Daniel Schmitt).
+    Add methods readRaw and writeRaw.
+    Make read/write/readf/writef simple overlaods instead of templates (thanks
+    to Trent Apted for suggesting this).
+    * tests/cpp_test.cc
+    Cleanup. Add tests.
+2006-07-30 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/sndfile.hh
+    Templatize the read/write/readf/writef methods as suggested by Lars Luthman.
+    Prevent the potential leak of SNDFILE* pointers in the openRead/openWrite/
+    openReadWrite methods.
+    Add const to SF_INFO pointer in Sndfile constructor.
+    Make the destrictor call the close() method.
+    * tests/cpp_test.cc
+    Add more tests.
+2006-07-29 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * tests/cpp_test.cc
+    Remove the generated file so "make distcheck" passes.
+    * src/Makefile.am
+    Add sndfile.hh to distributed header files.
+    * src/sndfile.hh
+    Change the license for the C++ wrapper to modified BSD.
+2006-07-28 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/sndfile.hh
+    Complete it.
+    * tests/cpp_test.cc
+    Add more tests.
+2006-07-27 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * tests/utils.tpl
+    Add extern C to generated header file.
+    * src/sndfile.hh
+    Work towards completing this.
+    * tests/cpp_test.cc tests/Makefile.am
+    Add a C++ test and hook into build.
+    * configure.ac
+    Add appropriate CXXFLAGS.
+2006-07-26 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * configure.ac
+    Test if compiler supports -Wpointer-arith.
+    * src/common.c
+    Fix a warning resulting from -Wpointer-arith.
+2006-07-15 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * examples/sndfile-play.c
+    Explicitly set endian-ness as well as setting 16 bit output.
+    * examples/sndfile-info.c
+    Make sure to parse info if file fails to open.
+    * src/sndfile.c
+    Handle parse error a little better.
+    * src/wav_w64.[ch]
+    Minor clean up, add detection of IPP ITU G723.1.
+2006-06-23 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/sndfile.c
+    Make sure psf->dataoffset gets reset to zero when openning headersless
+    files based on the file name extension.
+2006-06-21 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * tests/(command|lossy_comp|pcm|scale_clip)_test.c tests/fix_this.c
+        tests/write_read_test.(tpl|def)
+    Fix gcc-4.1 compiler warnings about "dereferencing type-punned pointer will
+    break strict-aliasing rules".
+    * examples/cooledit-fixer.c
+    More fixes like above.
+2006-06-20 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/file_io.c
+    Fix a windows bug where the syserr string of SF_PRIVATE was not being set
+    correctly.
+    * src/sndfile.c
+    Fixed a logic bug in sf_seek(). Thanks to Paul Davis for finding this.
+2006-06-04 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * configure.ac
+    Fixed detection of S_IRGRP.
+2006-05-30 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * sndfile-convert.c
+    Add conversion SF_INSTRUMENT data when present.
+2006-05-22 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * doc/development.html
+    Removed references to tla on windows.
+    * src/common.h src/sndfile.c
+    Add separate void pointers for file containter and file codec data to
+    SF_PRIVATE struct. Still need to move all existing fdata pointers.
+    * tests/write_read_test.tpl
+    Change the order of some tests.
+    * src/aiff.c
+    When writing 'AIFC' files, make sure get an 'FVER' gets added.
+    * src/common.h src/(dwvw|flac|g72x|gsm610|ima_adpcm|ms_adpcm|paf|sds).c
+        src/(sndfile|voc|vox_adpcm|xi).c
+    Remove fdata field from SF_PRIVATE struct and replace it with codec_data.
+2006-05-10 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * Win32/testprog.c Win32/Makefile.am
+    Add a minimal win32 test program.
+    * Win32/README-precompiled-dll.txt Mingw-make-dist.sh
+    Update readme and Mingw build script.
+2006-05-09 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * configure.ac acinclude.m4
+    Minor fixes for Solaris.
+2006-05-05 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/test_endswap.(def|tpl)
+    Fix printf formatting for int64_t on 64 bit machines.
+2006-05-04 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/binhead_check.py
+    New file to check for bad parameters passed to psf_binheader_writef().
+    * src/Makefile.am
+    Hook into test suite.
+    * src/voc.c src/caf.c src/wav.c src/mat5.c src/mat4.c
+    Fix bugs found by new test program.
+    * src/double64.c
+    Clean up double64_get_capability().
+2006-05-03 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/wav_w64.c
+    Fix a bug on x86_64 where an int was being passed via stdargs and being
+    read using size_t which is 64 bits. Thenks to John ffitch for giving me a
+    login on his box.
+2006-05-02 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/caf.c src/double64.c examples/sndfile-info.c tests/virtual_io_test.c
+            tests/utils.tpl
+    Fix a couple of signed/unsigned problems.
+2006-05-01 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * tests/command_test.c
+    Add channel map tests.
+    * src/common.h src/sndfile.c
+    Add a pointer the the SF_PRIVATE struct and make sure it gets freed in
+    sf_close().
+2006-04-30 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * configure.ac doc/(command|index|api).html NEWS README
+    Updates for 1.0.16 release.
+    * src/sndfile.h.in
+    Define enums for channel mapping.
+    * examples/sndfile-info.c
+    Clean up usage of SF_INFO struct.
+2006-04-29 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * tests/util.tpl
+    Add function testing function exit_if_true().
+    * tests/floating_point_test.tpl
+    Fix a problem where the test program was not exiting when the test failed.
+2006-04-15 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/sndfile.h.in src/sndfile.c src/common.h src/command.c
+    Implement new commands SFC_GET_SIGNAL_MAX and SFC_GET_MAX_ALL_CHANNELS.
+    * doc/commands.html
+    Document new commands. Other minor updates.
+    * tests/peak_chunk_test.c
+    Update tests for new commands.
+2006-04-02 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * tests/peak_chunk_test.c
+    Add test for RIFX and WAVEX files.
+    Try and confuse the PEAK chunk writing by enabling and disabling it.
+    * src/sndfile.c
+    Fix a bug where enabling and disabling PEAK chunk was screwing up.
+2006-03-31 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/sndfile.h.in
+    Add the block of 190 reserved bytes into this struct to allow for
+    future expansion.
+    * src/wav.c src/sndfile.c src/broadcast.c
+    Significant cleanup of broadcast wave stuff.
+    * examples/sndfile-info.c
+    Fix print message.
+    * tests/command_test.c tests/Makefile.am
+    Complete bext tests, hook test in test suite.
+2006-03-30 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/sndfile.h.in
+    Make coding_history field of SF_BROADCAST_INFO struct a char array instead
+    of a char pointer.
+    * src/sndfile.c src/common.h src/wav.c
+    Clean up knock on effects of above chnage.
+    * examples/sndfile-info.c
+    Add -b command line option to usage message.
+    Clean up output of broadcast wave info.
+    * src/wav.c
+    Ignore and skip the 'levl' chunk.
+2006-03-26 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * configure.ac
+    Fix handling of --enable and --disable configure args. Thanks to Diego
+    'Flameeyes' Petten\xF2 who sent the patch.
+2006-03-22 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * doc/win32.html
+    Make it really clear that although the MSVC++ cannot compile libsndfile,
+    the precompiled DLL can be used in C++ programs compiled with MSVC++.
+2006-03-18 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/aiff.c
+    Fix bug in writing of INST chunk in AIFF files.
+    Fix potential bug in writing MARK chunks.
+    * src/sndfile.c
+    Make sure the instrument chunk can only be written at the start of the file.
+    * tests/command_test.c
+    Add check of log buffer.
+    * tests/utils.tpl
+    Add usage of space character to psf_binheader_writef.
+2006-03-17 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/Makefile.am tests/Makefile.am
+    Remove --source-time argument from autogen command lines.
+    * src/broadcast.c
+    New file for EBU Broadcast chunk in WAV files.
+    * src/sndfile.c src/sndfile.h.in src/wav.c src/common.h
+    Add patch from Paul Davis implementing read/write of the BEXT chunk.
+2006-03-16 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * Win32/README-precompiled-dll.txt
+    New file descibing how to use the precompiled DLL.
+    * Win32/Makefile.am
+    Add Win32/README-precompiled-dll.txt to EXTRA_DIST files.
+    * configure.ac
+    Bump version to 1.0.15.
+2006-03-11 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/wav.c
+    On read, only add the endian flag if the file is big endian.
+    * src/ms_adpcm.c
+    Fixed writing of APDCM coeffs in RIFX files.
+    * tests/write_read_test.tpl tests/lossy_comp_test.c
+    Add tests for RIFX files.
+2006-03-10 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * Mingw-make-dist.sh
+    Bunch of improvements.
+    * doc/win32.html
+    Update MinGW program versions.
+2006-03-09 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/create_symbols_file.py
+    Fix the library name in created win32 DEF file. Add correct DLL name for
+    Cygwin DLL.
+    * Win32/Makefile.am tests/Makefile.am
+    Remove redundant files, add win32_ordinal_test to test suite.
+    * tests/win32_ordinal_test.c
+    Update to do test in cygsndfile-1.dll as well.
+    * doc/win32.html
+    Fix typo, mention that -mno-cygwin with the Cygwin compiler does not work.
+    * src/wav.c src/wav_w64.c src/sndfile.c src/sndfile.h.in
+    Apply large patch from Jesse Chappell which adds support for RIFX files.
+2006-03-08 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * Makefile.am
+    Add Mingw-make-dist.sh to the extra dist files.
+    * configure.ac
+    Fix setting SHLIB_VERSION_ARG for MinGW.
+    * tests/win32_ordinal_test.c
+    New test program to test that the win32 DLL ordinals agree with the DEF
+    file.
+2006-03-04 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/common.h
+    Add a static inline function to convert an int to a size_t. This will be
+    a compile to nothing on 32 bit CPUs and a sign extension on 64 bit CPUs.
+    * src/aiff.c src/avr.c src/common.c src/xi.c src/gsm610.c
+    Fix an ia64 problem where a varargs function was being passed an int in
+    some places and a size_t in other places.
+    * src/sd2.c
+    Add a workaround for situations where OSX seems to add an extra 0x52 bytes
+    to the start of the resource fork.
+2006-02-19 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * Mingw-make-dist.sh
+    Add a shell script to build the windows binary/source ZIP file.
+    * doc/index.html
+    Add download link for windows binary/source ZIP file. Add links for GPG
+    signatures.
+    * doc/win32.html
+    Remove info about building using microsoft compiler.
+    * configure.ac
+    Bump version to 1.0.14.
+2006-02-11 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/sd2.c
+    Improve logging of errors in resource fork parser.
+2006-01-31 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * Win32/Makefile.msvc
+    Replace au_g72x.* with g72x.*. Thanks to ussell Borogove.
+2006-01-29 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/common.c
+    Make sure return values are initialised header buffer is full.
+    * src/wav.c
+    Add workarounds for messed up WAV files.
+2006-01-21 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * Win32/config.h
+    Undef HAVE_INTTYPES_H for win32.
+    * tests/command_test.c
+    Don't exit on error in instrument test for XI files.
+    * configure.ac
+    Bump version to 1.0.13.
+    * doc/*.html NEWS README
+    Update version numbers.
+2006-01-19 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/xi.c
+    Start work on add read/write of instrument chunks.
+    * src/command_test.c
+    Add tests for XI instrument chunk.
+    * tests/largefile_test.c tests/Makefile.am
+    Add new test and hook it into the build system. This test will not be run
+    automatically because it requires 3 Gig of disk space and takes 3 minutes
+    to run.
+2006-01-10 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * examples/sndfile-play.c
+    Fix calculation of samples remaining in win32 code. Thanks Axel Roebel.
+    * src/common.h
+    Make sure length of header buffer can hold header plus strings. Thanks Axel
+    Roebel.
+2006-01-09 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/sndfile.h.in src/aiff.c src/wav.c
+    Apply a patch from John Fitch (Csound project).
+    Add detune field to SF_INSTRUMENT struct.
+    Add reading/writing instrument chunks to WAV files.
+    * tests/command_test.c
+    Update SF_INSTRUMENT tests.
+    * tests/Makefile.am
+    Hook instrument tests into test suite.
+2006-01-05 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * configure.ac
+    Check for <inttypes.h> because some broken systems (like Solaris) don't have
+    <stdint.h> which is the 1999 ISO C standard file containing int64_t.
+    * src/sfendian.h src/common.h
+    Use <inttypes.h> if <stdint.h> is not available.
+2005-12-30 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * tests/peak_chunk_test.c
+    Extend and clean up tests.
+    * src/sndfile.c
+    Fix a bug that prevented the turning off of PEAK chunks.
+2005-12-29 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * tests/error_test.c
+    Make the test distclean correct.
+    * src/file_io.c
+    Fix an SD2 MacOSX bug (reported by vince schwarzinger).
+2005-12-28 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/aiff.c tests/command_test.c
+    Apply a big patch from John ffitch (Csound project) to add reading and
+    writing of instrument chunks to AIFF files. Also update the test.
+2005-12-10 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * tests/aiff_rw_test.c tests/virtual_io_test.c tests/utils.tpl
+    Move test function dump_data_to_file() to utils.tpl.
+    * tests/error_test.c tests/Makefile.am
+    Updates, including a new test to test that sf_error() returns a valid error
+    number.
+2005-12-07 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * examples/list_formats.c
+    Make sure the SF_INFO struct is memset to all zero before being used.
+    Thanks to Stephen F. Booth.
+    * src/sndfile.c
+    Make the return value of sf_error() match the API documentation.
+2005-11-19 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * examples/sndfile-convert.c
+    Allow conversion to raw gsm610.
+    * src/common.h src/sndfile.c src/au.c
+    Remove au_nh_open() and all references to it (wasn't working anyway).
+    * tests/headerless_test.c
+    Add new test for file extension based detection.
+    * src/sndfile.c
+    Rejig file extension based file type detection.
+2005-11-16 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/sndfile.c
+    Add "gsm" as a recognised file extension when no magic number can be found.
+    * tests/lossy_comp_test.c tests/Makefile.am
+    Test headerless GSM610.
+2005-11-13 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * doc/api.html
+    Fix a minor typo and a minor error. Thanks Christoph Kobe and John Pavel.
+2005-10-30 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/wav_w64.c
+    Add more reporting of 'fmt ' chunk for G721 encoded files.
+    * src/wav.c
+    Gernerate a more correct 20 byte 'fmt ' chunk rather than a 16 byte one.
+2005-10-29 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/G72x/g72x.[ch]
+    Minor cleanup of interface.
+2005-10-28 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/ogg.c
+    Removed the horribly broken and non-functional OGG implementation when
+    --enable-experimental was enabled. When OGG does finally work it will be
+    merged.
+    * src/caf.c
+    Fix a memory leak.
+2005-10-27 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/g72x.c src/G72x/*.(c|h) src/common.h src/sndfile.c src/wav.c src/au.c
+    Add support for G721 encoded WAV files.
+    * doc/index.html
+    Update support matrix.
+    * tests/lossy_comp_test.c
+    For file formats that support it, add string data after the audio data and
+    make sure it isn't treated as audio data on read.
+    * src/gsm610.c
+    Add code to ensure that the container close function (ie for WAV files) gets
+    called after the codec's close function. This allows GSM610 encoded WAV files
+    to have string data following the audio data.
+    Add an AIFF specific check on psf->datalength.
+    * src/wav.c
+    Simplify wav_close function.
+    * src/aiff.c
+    Make sure the tailer data gets written at an even file offset. Pad if
+    necessary.
+    * src/common.h
+    Replace the close function pointer in SF_PRIVATE with separate functions
+    codec_close and container_close. The former is always called first.
+    *  src/*.c
+    Fix knock on effects of above.
+2005-10-26 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * examples/sndfile-info.c
+    Complete dumping SF_INSTRUMENT data.
+    * src/dwvw.c src/ima_adpcm.c src/gsm610.c src/ms_adpcm.c
+    Add extra checks in *_init function.
+    * tests/lossy_comp_test.c
+    Add a string comment to the end of the files to make sure that the decoder
+    doesn't decode beyond the end of the audio data section.
+2005-10-25 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * examples/sndfile-info.c
+    Minor code cleanup.
+    Start work on dumping SF_INSTRUMENT data.
+2005-10-23 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/sndfile.h.in src/common.h src/common.c
+    Update definition of SF_INSTRUMENT struct and create a function to allocate
+    and initialize the struct (input from David Viens).
+    Clean up definition of SF_INSTRUMENT struct.
+    * src/wav.c src/wav_w64.c
+    Add support for Ambisoncs B WAVEX files (David Viens).
+    * src/aiff.c src/wav.c src/wav_w64.c
+    Start work on reading/writing the SF_INSTRUMENT data.
+    * src/sndfile.c
+    Add code to get and set SF_INSTRUMENT data.
+    * tests/command_test.* tests/Makefile.am
+    Add test for set and getof SF_INSTRUMENT data.
+    The file command_test.c is no longer autogen generated.
+2005-10-15 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/gsm610.c
+    Minor cleanup.
+2005-10-14 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * tests/lossy_comp_test.c
+    Minor cleanup.
+2005-10-13 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/*.c
+    Ensure sfconfig.h is included before any other header file.
+    * src/file_io.c
+    Add comments documenting the three sections of the file.
+    * src/gsm610.c
+    Make sure SF_FORMAT_WAVEX are handled correctly.
+2005-10-07 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * configure.ac
+    Add options to allow disabling of FLAC and ALSA. Suggested by Ben Greear.
+2005-09-30 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * tests/locale_test.c
+    Modify the way the unicode strings were encoded so that older compilers
+    do not complain. Thanks Axel Roebel.
+    * configure.ac
+    Bump the version to 1.0.12 for release.
+    * NEWS README Win32/config.h doc/(FAQ|index.html|command|api).html
+    Update version numbers.
+2005-09-26 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/flac.c
+    Fix valgrind error and minor cleanup.
+2005-09-25 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/(au|paf|aiff|w64|wav|svx).c
+    Make sure structs are initialised.
+2005-09-24 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * configure.ac
+    Make -Wdeclaration-after-statement work with --enable-gcc-werror configure
+    option.
+    Add -std=gnu99 (C99 plus posix style stuff like gmtime_r) to CFLAGS if the
+    compiler supports it.
+2005-09-23 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * configure.ac acinclude.m4
+    Add -Wdeclaration-after-statement to CFLAGS if the compilers supports it.
+2005-09-22 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * tests/util.(tpl|def)
+    Make the test_write_*_or_die() functions const safe.
+2005-09-21 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/nist.c
+    Make sure the data offset is read from the file header. Thanks to
+    David A. van Leeuwen for a patch.
+2005-09-20 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * configure.ac src/sfconfig.h
+    Check for <locale.h> and the function setlocale().
+    Set config variables to zero if not found.
+    * tests/locale_test.c tests/Makefile.am
+    Add new test program and hook into build/test system.
+2005-09-18 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/common.h src/file_io.c
+    On windows, use windows specific types for file handles.
+    Add functions psf_init_files() and psf_use_rsrc().
+    * src/sd2.c
+    Make resource fork handling independant of file desciptor/handles.
+    * src/sndfile.c src/test_file_io.c
+    Fix knock on effects.
+2005-09-06 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/float_cast.h
+    The lrint and lrintf implementations in Cygwin are both buggy and slow.
+    Add replacements which were pulled from the Public Domain MinGW math.h
+    header file.
+2005-09-05 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * tests/(lossy_comp_test|virtual_io_test).c
+    More Valgrind fixups.
+    * configure.ac
+    Simplify and correct configuring for Cygwin.
+    * Win32/config.h Win32/sndfile.h Win32/Makefile.msvc
+    Update build for MSVC.
+2005-09-04 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * tests/lossy_comp_test.c
+    Make sure to close SNDFILE when exiting test when file format is not seekable.
+    * tests/(aiff_rw_test|virtual_io_test).c
+    Do a few valgrind fix ups.
+2005-09-03 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/float32.c src/double64.c
+    Replace floating point equality comparisons with greater/less comparisons.
+    Found by John Pavel using the Intel compiler.
+    * src/sfconfig.h
+    New file to clean up issues surrounding autoconf generated preprocessor
+    symbols.
+    * src/*.(c|h) tests/*.(c|tpl) examples/*.c
+    Fixed a bunch of other stuff found by John Pavel using the Intel compiler.
+    * src/file_io.c
+    Remove Mac OS9 Metrowerks compiler specific hacks.
+2005-08-31 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/w64.c
+    Cast integer literal to sf_count_t in call to psf_binheader_writef() to
+    prevent Valgrind error.
+2005-08-30 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * doc/command.html
+    Improve documentation of SF_GET_FORMAT_SUBTYPE.
+2005-08-26 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * examples/sndfile-convert.c
+    Allow files to be converted to SD2 format.
+    * src/sd2.c
+    Fix a bug in reading and writing of SD2 files on little endian CPUs.
+    Thanks to Matthew Willis for finding this.
+2005-08-25 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * doc/api.html
+    Update Note2 to point to SFC_SET_SCALE_FLOAT_INT_READ.
+2005-08-16 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * configure.ac
+    Use $host_os instead of $target_os (thanks to Mo De Jong).
+2005-08-15 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/Makefile.am
+    Apply a patch from Mo DeJong to allow building outside of the source dir.
+    * src/file_io.c
+    Fix psf_fsync() for win32.
+    * src/wav.c src/wav_w64.(c|h)
+    Move some code from wav.c to wav_w64.c to improve the log output of files of
+2005-08-10 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/create_symbols_file.py
+    Make sure sf_write_fsync is an exported symbol.
+    * examples/sndfile-convert.c
+    Add support for writing VOX adpcm files.
+2005-07-31 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * doc/api.html
+    Document the new function sf_write_sync().
+    * doc/FAQ.html
+    Do you plan to support XYZ codec.
+2005-07-28 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/sndfile.h.in src/sndfile.c
+    Add function sf_write_sync() to the API.
+    * src/common.h src/file_io.c
+    Low level implementation (win32 not done yet).
+    * tests/write_read_test.tpl
+    Use the new function in the tests.
+2005-07-24 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/common.h src/double64.c src/float32.c src/sndfile.c
+    Change the way PEAK chunk info is stored. Peaks now stored as an sf_count_t
+    for position and a double as the value.
+    * src/aiff.c src/caf.c src/wav.c
+    Fix knock on effects of above changes.
+    * src/caf.c
+    Implement 'peak' chunk for file wuth data in SF_FORMAT_FLOAT or
+    SF_FORMAT_DOUBLE format.
+2005-07-23 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/nist.c
+    Fix a bug where a variable was being used without being initialized.
+    * src/flac.c
+    Add extra debug in sf_flac_meta_callback.
+    Make a bunch of private functions static.
+    * src/aiff.c src/wav.c
+    Fix allocation for PEAK_CHUNK (bug found using valgrind).
+2005-07-21 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/common.h
+    Move the peak_loc field of SF_PRIVATE to the PEAK_CHUNK struct.
+    Remove had_peak field of SF_PRIVATE, use pchunk != NULL instead.
+    Rename PEAK_CHUNK and PEAK_POS to PEAK_CHUNK_32 and PEAK_POS_32.
+    * src/aiff.c src/caf.c src/wav.c src/float32.c src/double64.c
+    Fix knock on effects from above.
+2005-07-19 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/wav.c
+    Prevent files with unknown chunks from being opened read/write.
+2005-07-14 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/flac.c
+    Do not use psf->end_of_file because it never gets set to anything.
+    * src/common.h
+    Remove unused SF_PRIVATE field end_of_file.
+2005-07-12 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/common.c
+    Change the 'S' format specifier of psf_binheader_writef() to write AIFF
+    style strings (no terminating character).
+    * src/aiff.c
+    Move to new (correct) AIFF string style. Thanks to Axel Roebel for being
+    so persistent on this issue.
+2005-07-11 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/sndfile.c
+    Allow SFE_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT as an error from sf_open().
+    * doc/api.html doc/command.html
+    Documentation updates (thanks to Kyroz for promoting these updates).
+    * src/mat5.c
+    Modify the way the header is written.
+2005-07-10 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/caf.c
+    Add a 'free' chunk to the written file so that the audio data starts at
+    an offset of 0x1000.
+    * src/sndfile.c
+    Allow SFE_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT as an error from sf_open().
+2005-07-09 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/caf.c src/sndfile.c
+    Add support for signed 8 bit integers.
+    * tests/write_read_test.tpl
+    Add test for signed 8 bit integers in CAF files.
+    * doc/index.html
+    Update matrix for signed 8 bit integers in CAF files.
+2005-07-08 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/sndfile.c
+    Update sf_check_format() to support CAF.
+    * examples/sndfile-convert.c
+    Add support for ".caf" file extension.
+    * doc/index.html
+    Add Apple CAF to the support matrix.
+    * src/caf.c
+    Add file write support.
+    * src/common.c
+    Fix printing of Frames.
+    * tests/Makefile.am tests/write_read_test.tpl tests/lossy_comp_test.c
+        tests/header_test.tpl misc_test.c
+    Add tests for CAF files.
+2005-07-07 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * doc/FAQ.html
+    Fix Q/A about reading/writing memory buffers.
+    * src/caf.c
+    Bunch of work to support reading of CAF files.
+2005-07-04 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/(aiff|ima_adpcm|mat4|mat5|ms_adpcm).c examples/sndfile-play.c
+    Fix sign conversion errors reported by gcc-4.0.
+    * src/caf.c
+    New file for Apple's Core Audio File format.
+    * src/sndfile.c src/common.h src/sndfile.h.in src/Makefile.am
+    Hook new file into build system.
+2005-06-21 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src_wav_w64.c
+    Fix handling of stupidly large 'fmt ' chunks. Thanks to Vadim Berezniker
+    for supplying an example file.
+    * src/common.h src/sndfile.c
+    Remove redundant error code SFE_WAV_FMT_TOO_BIG.
+2005-06-20 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/sndfile.h.in src/common.h src/sndfile.c
+    Add public error value SF_ERR_MALFORMED_FILE.
+    * src/sndfile.c
+    When parsing a file header fails and we don't have a system error, then set
+    the error number to SF_ERR_MALFORMED_FILE (suggested by Kyroz).
+    * configure.ac
+    Allow sqlite support to be disabled in configure script.
+    * regtest/database.c regtest/sndfile-regtest.c
+    Fix compiling when sqlite is missing.
+2005-06-11 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/file_io.c
+    Fix psf_is_pipe() and return value of psf_fread() when using virtual i/o.
+    * src/sndfile.c
+    Fix VALIDATE_AND_ASSIGN_PSF macro for virtual i/o.
+    * tests/virtual_io_test.c
+    Fill in skeleton test program.
+    * tests/Makefile.am
+    Move virtual i/o tests to end of tests with stdio/pipe tests.
+    * src/(sndfile.h.in|file_io.c|common.h|sndfile.c) tests/virtual_io_test.c
+    Rename some of the virtual i/o functions and data types.
+2005-06-10 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/sndfile.c
+    Fix the return values of sf_commands : SFC_SET_NORM_DOUBLE,
+    Kyroz for pointing out these errors.
+    * doc/command.html
+    Correct documented return values for SFC_SET_NORM_DOUBLE and
+    SFC_SET_NORM_FLOAT. Thanks to Kyroz again.
+2005-05-17 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * regtest/*
+    Add new files for sndfile-regtest program.
+    * configure.ac Makefile.am
+    Hook regetest into build.
+    * src/wav.c src/common.c
+    Fix a regression where long ICMT chunks were causing the WAV parser
+    to exit.
+2005-05-15 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * libsndfile.spec.in
+    Add html docs to the files section as suggested by Karsten Jeppesen.
+    * src/aiff.c
+    Fix parsing of odd length ANNO chunks.
+2005-05-13 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/common.h
+    Change the include guard to prevent clashes with other code.
+2005-05-12 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * examples/sndfile-play.c
+    Improve error handling in code for playback under Linux/ALSA.
+2005-05-10 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/ircam.c
+    Fix writing of IRCAM files on big endian systems (thanks to Axel Roebel).
+    * src/wav.c
+    Add workaround for files created by the Peak audio editor on Mac which can
+    produce files with very short LIST chunks (thanks to Jonathan Segel who
+    supplied the file).
+2005-04-30 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/aiff.c
+    Apply a patch From David Viens to make the parsing of basc chunks more
+    robust.
+    * src/wav.c
+    Another patch from David Viens to write correct wavex channel masks for
+    the most common channel configurations.
+2005-04-08 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/command.c
+    Only allow FLAC in the format arrays if FLAC is enabled. Thanks to
+    Leigh Smith.
+2005-03-09 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/common.h
+    Add a directory field for storing the file directory to the SF_PRIVATE
+    struct.
+    * src/sndfile.c
+    Grab the directory name when copying the file path.
+    * src/file_io.c
+    Cleanup psf_open_rsrc() and also check for resource fork in
+    .AppleDouble/filename.
+2005-03-01 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/svx.c
+    Fix a bug in the printing of the channel count. Bug reported by Michael
+    Schwendt. Thanks.
+2005-01-26 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/paf.c
+    Fix a seek bug for 24 bit PAF files.
+    * tests/write_read_test.tpl
+    Update write_read_test to trigger the previously hidden PAF seek bug.
+2005-01-25 Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/aiff.c src/w64.c src/wav.c
+    Do not return a header parse error when the log buffer overflows.
+    Continuing parsing works even on files where the log buffer does overflow.
+    This avoids a bug on some weirdo WAV (and other) files.
+    * src/common.h src/sndfile.c
+    Remove SFE_LOG_OVERRIN error and its associated error message.
+    * src/file_io.c
+    Fix a rsrc fork problem on MacOSX.
+2004-12-31  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/sndfile-play.c
+    In the ALSA output code, added call to snd_pcm_drain() just before
+    snd_pcm_close() as suggested by Thomas Kaeding.
+    In the OSS output code, added two ioctls (SNDCTL_DSP_POST and
+    SNDCTL_DSP_SYNC) just before the close of the audio device.
+    * tests/virtual_io_test.c tests/Makefile.am
+    Add a new test program (currently empty) and add it to the build.
+2004-12-29  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/sndfile.h.in src/sndfile.h src/common.h src/file_io.c
+      src/create_symbols_file.py
+    Apply patch from Steve Baker which is the beginnings of a virtual
+    I/O interface.
+2004-12-23  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/*.c src/sndfile.h.in
+    Const-ify the write path throughout the library.
+2004-12-14  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * doc/development.html
+    Minor improvements.
+2004-11-29  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * doc/bugs.html
+    Minor improvements.
+2004-11-18  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/aiff.c
+    Add workaround for Logic Platinum AIFF files with broken COMT chunks.
+2004-11-16  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * doc/FAQ.html
+    Remove some ambiguities in the SD2 FAQ answer.
+2004-11-15  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * Win32/sndfile.h Win32/config.h MacOS9/sndfile.h MacOS9/config.h
+    Updates from autoconfig versions.
+2004-11-13  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/aiff.c
+    Fix parsing of COMT chunks. Store SF_STR_COMMENT data in ANNO chunks
+    instead of COMT chunk.
+2004-11-07  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/file_io.c src/common.h
+    Change the ptr argument to psf_write() from "void*" to a "const void*".
+    Thanks to Tobias Gehrig for suggesting this.
+2004-10-31  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/file_io.c src/common.h
+    Add functions psf_close_rsrc() and read length of resourse fork into
+    rsrclength field of SF_PRIVATE.
+    * src/sd2.c
+    Make sure resource fork gets closed.
+    * tests/util.tpl
+    Add functions to check for file descriptor leakage.
+    * src/write_read_test.tpl
+    Use the file descriptor leak checks.
+    * src/sndfile.h.in
+    Add SFC_GET_LOOP_INFO and SF_LOOP_INFO struct.
+    * src/common.h
+    Add SF_LOOP_INFO pointer to SF_PRIVATE.
+    * src/wav.c src/aiff.c
+    Improve and add parsing of 'ACID' and 'basc' chunks, filling in
+2004-10-30  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/sd2.c
+    Further cleanup: remove printfs, change snprintf to LSF_SNPRINTF.
+    * Win32/config.h Win32/sndfile.h
+    Updates.
+    * tests/util.tpl
+    Add win32 macro for snprintf.
+2004-10-29  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/sfendian.h
+    Add macros : H2BE_SHORT, H2BE_INT, H2LE_SHORT and H2LE_INT.
+    * src/sd2.c
+    Use macros to make sure writing SD2 files on little endian machines works
+    correctly.
+    * tests/util.tpl
+    Add a delete_file() function which also deletes the resource fork of SD2
+    files.
+    * tests/write_read_test.tpl
+    Use delete_file() so that "make distcheck" works.
+2004-10-28  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/sndfile.c src/file_io.c
+    Move resource filename construction and testing to psf_open_rsrc().
+    * src/common.h src/sndfile.c
+    Add error SFE_SD2_FD_DISALLOWED.
+    * tests/util.tpl tests/*.(c|tpl)
+    Add and allow_fd parameter to test_open_file_or_die() so that use of
+    sf_open_fd() can be avoided when opening SD2 files.
+2004-10-27  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/wav.c
+    Update ACID chunk parsing.
+    * src/sd2.c
+    More fixes for files with large resource forks.
+2004-10-23  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/common.h src/sndfile.c
+    Add error numbers and messages for sd2 files.
+    * src/sd2.c
+    Reading of sd2 (resource fork version) now seems to be working.
+2004-10-17  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/file_io.h
+    Update file_io.c to include win32 psf_rsrc_open().
+    * tests/floating_point_test.tpl
+    Remove use of __func__ in test programs (MSVC++ doesn't grok this).
+    * Win32/(config|sndfile).h MacOS9/(config|sndfile).h
+    Updates.
+2004-10-13  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/sfendian.h
+    Fix endswap_int64_t_(array|copy).
+    * src/test_endswap.(tpl|def)
+    Add tests for above and inprove all tests.
+2004-10-12  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/sfendian.h
+    Improve type safety, add endswap_double_array().
+    * src/double64.c
+    Use endswap_double_array() instead of endswap_long_array().
+    * src/test_endswap.(tpl|def) src/Makefile.am
+    Add preliminary endswap tests and hook into build system.
+2004-10-06  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/configure.ac src/makefile.am
+    Finally fix the bulding of DLLs on Win32/MinGW.
+    * tests/makefile.am
+    Fix running of tests on Win32/MinGW.
+2004-10-01  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/sndfile.h.in src/sndfile.c tests/floating_point_test.tpl
+    * doc/command.html
+2004-09-30  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * tests/floating_point_test.(tpl|def)
+    Derived from floating_point_test.c.
+    Add (float|double)_(short|int)_test functions.
+    * tests/util.(tpl|def)
+    Make separate float and double versions of gen_windowed_sine().
+    * tests/write_read_test.tpl
+    Fix after changes to gen_windowed_sine().
+    * src/(float32|double64).c
+2004-09-29  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * acinclude.m4
+    Fix warnings from automake 1.8 and later.
+    * examples/sndfile-info.c
+    Add a "fflush (stdout)" after printing Win32 message.
+2004-09-28  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * Win32/Makefile.mingw.in
+    Add a "make install" target.
+2004-09-24  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/sndfile.h.in src/common.h src/sndfile.c src/command.c
+    Start work on adding command SFC_SET_FLOAT_INT_MULTIPLIER.
+2004-09-22  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * examples/sndfile-convert.c
+    Fix a bug converting stereo integer PCM files to float.
+2004-09-22  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * examples/sndfile-play.c
+    Appy patch from Conrad Parker to make Mac OSX error messages more
+    consistent and informative.
+    * doc/api.html
+    Fix a HTML HREF which was wrong.
+    * doc/win32.html
+    Add information about when nmake fails.
+2004-09-05  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * examples/sndfile-play.c
+    Another patch from Denis Cote to prevent race conditions.
+2004-09-02  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/common.h src/ms_adpcm.c src/ima_adpcm.c
+    Fix alternative to ISO standard flexible struct array feature for broken
+    compilers.
+2004-08-31  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/common.h src/string.c src/sndfile.c
+    Make sf_set_string() return an error if trying to set a string when in
+    read mode.
+2004-08-29  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/common.h
+    Change the unnamed union into a named union so gcc-2.95 will compile it.
+    * src/*.c
+    Fixes to allow for the above change.
+2004-08-20  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * examples/sndfile-play.c
+    Fixes for Win32. Thanks to Denis Cote.
+    * Win32/Win32/Makefile.(msvc|mingw.in)
+    Fix build system after removal of sfendian.h.
+    Build sndfile-convert.
+    * src/Makefile.am
+    Remove sfendian.c from dependancies.
+2004-08-10  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/sndfile.h.in
+    Fix typo in comments (thanks Tommi Sakari Uimonen).
+2004-07-31  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * tests/(a|u)law_test.c
+    Minor cleanup.
+2004-07-29  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/(pcm|float|double64|ulaw|alaw|xi).c
+    Optimise read/write loops by removing a redundant variable.
+2004-07-24  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/file_io.c
+    Remove call to fsync() in psf_close().
+2004-07-19  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/pcm.c
+    Inline x2y_array() functions where possible.
+    * configure.ac
+    Detect presence of type int64_t.
+    * src/sfendian.c src/sfendian.h
+    Move functions in the first file to the sfendian.h as static inline
+    functions.
+    Improve endswap_long_*() where possible.
+2004-07-17  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/pcm.c
+    When converting from unsigned char to float or double, subtract 128 before
+    converting to float/double rather than after to save a floating point
+    operation as suggested by Stefan Briesenick.
+    * src/(pcm|sfendian|alaw|ulaw|double64|float32).c
+    Optimize inner loops by changing the loop counting slightly as suggested
+    by Stefan Briesenick.
+    * configure.ac
+    Detect presence of <byteswap.h>.
+    * src/sfendian.h
+    Use <byteswap.h> if present as suggested by Stefan Briesenick.
+    * src/pcm.c
+    Update bytewapping.
+2004-07-02  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/common.h src/*.c
+    Change the psf->buffer field of SF_PRIVATE into a more type safe union with
+    double, float, int etc elements.
+2004-06-28  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * examples/sndfile-play.c
+    Merge slightly modifed patch from Stanko Juzbasic which allows playback of
+    mono files on MacOSX.
+2004-06-25  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * examples/sndfile-convert.c
+    Move copy_metadata() after the second sf_open().
+2004-06-21  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * examples/sndfile-convert.c
+    Fix a bug which caused the program to go into an infinite loop if the source
+    file has no meta-data. Thanks to Ron Parker for reporting this.
+    * src/sndfile.h.in
+    Add SF_STR_FIRST and SF_STR_LAST to allow enumeration of string types.
+    * Win32/sndfile.h MacOS9/sndfile.h
+    Update these as per the above file.
+2004-06-17  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * configure.ac src/common.h src/ogg.c src/sndfile.c src/sndfile.h.in
+      src/Makefile.am
+    Apply large patch from Conrad Parker implementing Ogg Vorbis, Ogg Speex and
+    Annodex support via liboggz and libfishsound. Thanks Conrad.
+2004-06-15  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/avr.c src/ircam.c src/nist.c src/paf.c src/xi.c
+    Add cast to size_t for some parameters passed to psf_binheader_writef. This
+    is Debian bug number 253490. Thanks to Anand Kumria and Andreas Jochens.
+    * src/w64.c
+    Found and fixed a bug resulting from use of size_t when writing W64 'fmt '
+    chunk.
+2004-06-14  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * configure.ac
+    Bump version to 1.0.10 ready for release.
+    * Makefile.am
+    Remove redundant files (check_libsndfile.py libsndfile_version_convert.py)
+    from distribution tarball.
+    * tests/header_test.tpl
+    Fix uninitialised variable.
+    * src/GSM610/short_term.c
+    Fix compiler warning on MSVC++.
+2004-05-23  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/wav.c
+    Improve record keeping of chunks seen and return an error if a file with
+    unusual chunks is opened in mode SFM_RDWR.
+    * src/mmreg.h
+    This file not needed so remove it.
+2004-05-22  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * tests/header_test.tpl
+    Add extra_header_test().
+    * src/common.h src/sndfile.c
+    Add SFE_RDWR_BAD_HEADER error number and string.
+2004-05-21  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * tests/utils.tpl tests/*.c tests/*.tpl
+    Add a line number argument to check_log_buffer_or_die() and update all
+    files that use that function.
+    * tests/header_test.tpl
+    Modify/update tests for files opened SFM_RDWR and SFC_UPDATE_HEADER_AUTO.
+    * src/aiff.c src/wav.c
+    Fix another bug in AIFF and WAV files opened in SFM_RDWR and using
+    * src/test_file_io.c
+    Add a test for psf_ftruncate() function.
+2004-05-19  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/sndfile.c
+    Fix another  weird corner case bug found by Martin Rumori. Thanks.
+    * tests/header_test.(tpl|def)
+    Two new files to test for the absence of the above bug and include tests
+    moved from tests/misc_test.c.
+    * tests/Makefile.am
+    Hook new tests into build/test system.
+    * tests/misc_test.c
+    Remove update_header_test() which has been moved to the new files above.
+2004-05-16  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/aiff.c
+    Fixed a bug reported by Martin Rumori on the LAD list. If a file created
+    with a format of SF_FORMAT_FLOAT and then closed before any data is written
+    to it, the header can get screwed up (PEAK chunk gets overwritten).
+    * tests/write_read_test.tpl
+    Add a test (empty_file_test) for the above bug.
+2004-05-13  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * Win32/Makefile.mingw.in
+    Added a Makefile for MinGW (needs to be processed by configure).
+    * src/mmsystem.h src/mmreg.h
+    Add files from the Wine project (under the LGPL) to allow build of
+    sndfile-play.exe under MinGW.
+2004-05-12  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/GSM610/gsm610_priv.h
+    Replace ugly macros with inline functions.
+    * src/GSM610/*.c
+    Remove temporary variables used by macros and other minor fixes required by
+    above change.
+2004-05-10  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * tests/pipe_test.tpl tests/stdio_test.c Win32/Makefile.msvc
+    Make sure these programs compile (even though they do nothing) on Win32
+    and add them to the "make check" target.
+    * src/sfendian.h
+    Fix warning on Sparc CPU and code cleanup.
+2004-05-09  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/file_io.c
+    Fix warning messages when compiling under MinGW.
+2004-05-01  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * configure.ac
+    Set HAVE_FLEXIBLE_ARRAY in src/config.h depending on whether the compiler
+    accepts the flexible array struct member as per 1999 ISO C standard.
+    * src/common.h src/ima_adpcm.c src/paf.c src/ms_adpcm.c
+    Added ugly #if HAVE_FLEXIBLE_ARRAY and provided a non-standards compliant
+    hack for non 1999 ISO C compliant compilers.
+2004-04-26  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/strings.c
+    If adding an SF_STR_SOFTWARE string, only append libsndfile-X.Y.Z if the
+    string does not already have libsndfile in the string. Thanks to Conrad
+    Parker.
+    * tests/string_test.c
+    Add test to verify the above.
+    * examples/sndfile-convert.c
+    Add ability to transcode meta data as well (Conrad Parker).
+2004-04-25  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * doc/command.html
+    Fix minor error. Thanks to Simon Burton.
+    * doc/win32.html
+    Started adding instructions for compiling libsndfile under MinGW.
+    * configure.ac
+    Add --enable-bow-docs to enable black text on a white background HTML docs.
+    * doc/libsndfile.css.in
+    This is now a template file for configure which sets the foreground and
+    background colours.
+2004-04-20  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * configure.ac
+    Do some MinGW fixes.
+    * configure.ac doc/Makefile.am
+    Install HTML docs when doing make install.
+2004-04-19  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * examples/sndfile-info.c
+    Print out the dB level with the signal max.
+2004-04-15  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/file_io.c
+    Define S_ISSOCK in src/file_io.c if required.
+2004-04-03  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * configure.ac
+    Improve printout configuration summary (as suggested by Axel R\xF6bel).
+    * doc/index.html
+    Add link to pre-release location.
+    * src/sndfile.h.in
+    Remove comma after last element of enum.
+    * src/float32.c src/double64.c
+    Fix read/write of float/double encoded raw files to/from pipes.
+    * tests/pipe_test.c tests/pipe_test.tpl tests/pipe_test.def
+    Turn pipe_test.c into an autogenerated file and add tests for reading/
+    writing floats and doubles.
+    * tests/Makefile.am
+    Hook tests/pipe_test.* into build system.
+2004-04-02  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * configure.ac acinclude.m4
+    Rename AC_C_STRUCT_HACK macro to AC_C99_FLEXIBLE_ARRAY.
+2004-03-31  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * tests/misc_test.c
+    Perform update_header_test in RDWR mode as well.
+    * src/aiff.c
+    Fix problems when updating header in RDWR mode.
+2004-03-30  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/wav.c src/w64.c src/wav_w64.c
+    Integrate code supplied by David Viens for supporting microsoft's
+    WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE stuff. Thanks David for supplying this.
+    * configure.ac doc/*.html
+    Bump version to 1.0.9.
+2004-03-28  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/command.c src/sndfile.c src/sndfile.h.in src/wav.c
+    Started work on supporting microsoft's WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE gunk.
+2004-03-26  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/avr.c
+    New file to handle Audio Visual Resaerch files.
+    * src/sndfile.h.in src/common.h src/sndfile.c src/command.c
+    Hook AVR into everything else.
+    * tests/Makefile.am tests/write_read_test.tpl tests/misc_test.c
+    Add testing for AVR files.
+2004-03-22  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/file_io.c
+    Fix psf_set_file() for win32. Thanks to Vincent Trussart (Plogue Art et
+    Technologie) for coming up with the solution.
+2004-03-21  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * tests/write_read_test.tpl
+    Fixed a bug that was causing valgrind to report a memory leak. The bug was
+    in the test code itself, not the library.
+2004-03-20  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * examples/generate.cs
+    An example showing how to use libsndfile from C#. Thanks to James Robson
+    for providing this.
+2004-03-19  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/common.c
+    Fix problems with WAV files containing large chunks after the 'data'
+    chunk. Thanks to Koen Tanghe for providing a sample file.
+2004-03-17  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * configure.ac
+    Detect presense of ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture).
+    * examples/sndfile-play.c
+    Add ALSA output support.
+    * examples/Makefile.am
+    Add ALSA_LIBS to link line of sndfile-play.c.
+2004-03-15  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * acinclude.m4
+    Add new macro (AC_C_STRUCT_HACK) to detect whether the C compiler allows
+    the use of the what is known as the struct hack introduced by the 1999 ISO
+    C Standard.
+    * configure.ac
+    The last release would not compile with gcc-2.95 due to the use of features
+    (ie struct hack) introduced by the 1999 ISO C Standard.
+    Add check to make sure compiler handles this and bomb out if it doesn't.
+2004-03-14  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * tests/write_read_test.tpl
+    Fix compiler warning on Win32.
+    * src/file_io.c
+    Fix use of an un-initialised variable in Win32 stuff.
+    * Win32/config.h examples/sndfile-play.c
+    Win32 fixes.
+2004-03-10  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * configure.ac
+    Fix bug which occurres when configuring for MinGW.
+    If compiler is gcc and cross compiling use -nostdinc.
+2004-03-09  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/common.h src/aiff.c src/wav.c src/float32.c src/double64.c
+      src/sndfile.c
+    Fix a bug with PEAK chunk handling for files with more than 16 channels.
+    Thanks to Remy Bruno for finding this.
+2004-03-08  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/common.c
+    Fix a bug which was preventing WAV files being openned correctly if the
+    file had a very large header. Thanks to Eldad Zack for finding this.
+2004-03-04  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * configure.ac src/file_io.c
+    Fix cross-compiling from Linux to Win32 using the MinGW tools.
+2004-03-01  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/create_symbols_file.sh
+    Christian Weisgerber pointed out that the shell script did not run on a
+    real Bourne shell although it did run under Bash in Bourne shell mode.
+    * src/create_symbols_file.py
+    Rewrite of above in Python. Also add support for writing Win32 .def files.
+    The Python script generates Symbols.linux, Symbols.darwin and
+    libsndfile.def (Win32 version). These files get shipped with the tarball
+    so there should not be necessary to run the Python script when building
+    the code from the tarball.
+    * configure.ac src/Makefile.am Win32/Makefile.am
+    Hook new Python script into the build system.
+2004-02-25  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/configure.ac
+    Add --enable-gcc-werror option and move GCC specific stuff down.
+2004-02-24  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * acinclude.m4 configure.ac
+    Fix clip mode detection (tested in one of HP's testdrive Itanium II boxes).
+    * src/file_io.c
+    Added check for sizeof (off_t) != sizeof (sf_count_t) to prevent recurrence
+    of missing large file support on Linux and Solaris.
+2004-02-19  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * examples/sndfile-play.c
+    Fix a MacOSX specific bug which was caused by a space being inserted in
+    the middle of a file name.
+    * configure.ac src/Makefile.am examples/Makefile.am
+    Fix a couple of MacOSX build issues.
+2004-02-17  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * doc/command.html
+2004-02-14  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * doc/*.html
+    Applied patch from Frank Neumann (author of lakai) which fixes many minor
+    typos in documentation. Thanks Frank.
+2004-02-13  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * ChangeLog
+    Changed my email address throughout source and docs.
+2004-02-08  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/file_io.c
+    Make sure config.h is included before stdio.h to make sure large file
+    support is enabled on Linux (and Solaris).
+    * tests/misc_test.c
+    Disable update_header test on Win32. This should work but doesn't and
+    I'm not sure why.
+    * Make.bat Win32/Makefile.msvc
+    Updates.
+2004-01-07  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/common.h
+    Changed logindex, headindex and headend files of SF_PRIVATE from unsigned
+    int to int to prevent weird arithmetic bugs.
+    * src/common.c src/aiff.c src/wav.c src/w64.c
+    Fixed compiler warnings resulting from above change.
+2004-01-06  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/common.c
+    Fixed a bug in header reader for some files with data after the sample data.
+2003-12-29  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * tests/lossy_comp_test.c tests/Makefile.am
+    Add tests for AIFF/IMA files.
+2003-12-26  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/macbinary3.c src/macos.c
+    Two new files required for handling SD2 files.
+    * src/common.h
+    Add prototypes for functions in above two files.
+    * src/Makefile.am
+    Hook new files into build system.
+2003-12-21  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * configure.ac
+    Add checks for mmap() and getpagesize() which might be used at some time
+    for faster file reads.
+    Add detection of MacOSX.
+2003-12-13  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * doc/FAQ.html
+    Minor mods to pkg-config section.
+2003-12-12  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/create_symbols_file.sh
+    Andre Pang (also known as Ozone) pointed out that on MacOSX, all non
+    static symbols are exported causing troubles when trying to link
+    libsndfile with another library which has any of the same symbols.
+    He fixed this by supplying the MacOSX linker with a file containing
+    all the public symbols so that only they would be exported and then
+    supplied a patch for libsndfile.
+    This wasn't quite ideal, because I would have to maintain two (3 if
+    you include Win32) separate files containing the exported symbols.
+    A better solution was to create this script which can generate a
+    Symbols file for Linux, MacoSX and any other OS that supports
+    minimising the number of exported symbols.
+    * configure.ac src/Makefile.am
+    Hook the new script into the build process.
+2003-12-10  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * doc/index.html
+    Added comments about Steve Dekorte's SoundConverter scam.
+2003-12-07  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/file_io.c
+    Axel Roebel pointed out that on Mac OSX a pipe is not considered a fifo
+    (S_ISFIFO (st.st_mode) is false) but a socket (S_ISSOCK (st.st_mode) is
+    true). The test has therefore been changed to is S_ISREG and anything
+    which which does not return true for S_ISREG is considered a pipe.
+2003-11-25  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * tests/misc_test.c
+    Fix update_header_test to pass SDS.
+    * src/sds.c
+    More minor fixes.
+    * tests/floating_point_test.c
+    Add test for SDS files.
+    * src/command.c
+    Add SDS to major_formats array.
+2003-11-24  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * tests/write_read_test.tpl tests/misc_test.c
+    Add tests for SDS files.
+    * src/sds.c
+    Fix a bug in header update code.
+2003-11-23  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/sds.c
+    Get file write working.
+    * src/paf.c
+    Fix a potential bug in paf24_seek().
+2003-11-04  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * doc/FAQ.html
+    Add Q/A about u-law encoded WAV files.
+    * Win32/*.h
+    Updated so it compiles on Win32.
+2003-11-03  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * examples/sndfile-convert.c
+    Add -alaw and -ulaw command line arguments.
+    * configure.ac
+    Add library versioning comments.
+    Add arguments to AC_INIT.
+2003-10-28  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/file_io.c
+    Ross Bencina has contributed code to replace all of the (mostly broken)
+    Win32 POSIX emulation calls with calls the native Win32 file I/O API.
+    This code still needs testing but is likely to be a huge improvemnt
+    of support for Win32. Thanks Ross.
+2003-10-27  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/dwvw.c
+    Removed filedes field from the DWVW_PRIVATE struct.
+    * src/file_io.c
+    Change psf_fopen() so it returns psf->error instead of the file descriptor.
+    Add new functions psf_set_stdio() and psf_set_file().
+    * src/sndfile.c
+    Change these to work with changed psf_fopen() return value.
+    Remove all uses of psf->filedes from sndfile, making it easier to slot native
+    Win32 API file handling functions.
+    * src/test_file_io.c
+    Minor changes to make it compile with new file_io.c stuff.
+2003-10-26  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/gsm610.h
+    Rename a variable from true to true_flag. As Ross Bencina points out,
+    true is defined in the C99 header <stdbool.h>.
+    * src/file_io.c
+    If fstat() fails, return SF_TRUE instead of -1 (Ross Bencina).
+2003-10-09  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/common.h
+    Increase the size of SF_BUFFER_LEN and SF_HEADER_LEN.
+    * src/sndfile.c
+    Fix sf_read/write_raw which were dividing by psf->bytwidth and
+    psf->blockwidth which can both be zero.
+    * examples/sndfile-info.c
+    Increase size of BUFFER_LEN.
+2003-09-21  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * configure.ac
+    Add checks for <sys/wait.h> and ssize_t.
+    Other Win32/MinGW checks.
+    * src/aiff.c src/au_g72x.c src/file_io.c src/gsm610.c src/interleave.c
+      src/paf.c src/sds.c src/svx.c src/voc.c src/w64.c src/wav.c src/xi.c
+    Fix compiler warnings.
+2003-09-20  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * tests/scale_clip_test.tpl
+    Add definition of M_PI if needed.
+2003-09-19  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * configure.ac
+    Detect if S_IRGRP is declared in <unistd.h>.
+    * src/file_io.c tests/*.tpl tests/*.c
+    More fixes for Win32/MSVC++ and MinGW. MinGW does have <unistd.h> but that
+    file doesn't declare S_IRGRP.
+2003-10-18  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/config.h.in
+    Add comment stating that the sf_count_t typedef is determined when
+    libsndfile is being compiled.
+    * tests/utils.tpl
+    Modified so that utils.c gets one copy of the GPL and not two.
+2003-09-17  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * Win32/unistd.h src/sf_unistd.h
+    Move first file to the second. This will help for Win32/MSVC++ and MinGW.
+    * Win32/Makefile.am src/Makefile.am
+    Changed in line with above.
+    * Win32/Makefile.msvc
+    Removed "/I Win32" which is no longer required.
+    * src/file_io.c src/test_file_io.c tests/*.tpl tests/*.c
+    If HAVE_UNISTD_H include <unistd.h> else include <sf_unistd.h>. This should
+    work for Win32, MinGW and other fakes Unix-like OSes.
+    * src/*.c
+    Removed #include <unistd.h> from files which didn't need it.
+2003-09-16  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * libsndfile.spec.in
+    Apply fix from Andrew Schultz.
+2003-09-07  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/vox_adpcm.c
+    Only set psf->sf.samplerate if the existing value is invalid.
+2003-09-06  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * examples/sndfile-play.c
+    Started adding support for ALSA output.
+2003-09-04  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/sndfile.h.in
+    Removed <stdlib.h> from sndfile.h.
+    * src/*.c examples/*.c tests/*.c tests/*.tpl
+    Added <stdlib.h> where needed.
+2003-09-02  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/common.h
+    Added ARRAY_LEN, SF_MAX and SF_MIN macros.
+2003-08-19  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * doc/index.html
+    Remove statements about alternative licensing arrangements.
+2003-08-17  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * MacOS MacOS9 Makefile.am configure.ac
+    Change directory name from MacOS to MacOS9
+    * MacOS9/MacOS9-readme.txt
+    Change name to make it really obvious, add text to top of file to make it
+    still more obvious again.
+2003-08-16  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/test_log_printf.c
+    Add tests for %u conversions.
+    * src/common.c
+    Fix psf_log_printf() %u conversions.
+2003-08-15  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/aiff.c
+    Fixed a bug where opening a file with a non-trival header in SFM_RDWR mode
+    would over-write part of the header. Thanks to Axel Roebel for pointing
+    this out. Axel also provided a patch to fix this but I came up with a
+    neater and more general solution.
+    Return error when openning an AIFF file with data after the SSND chunk
+    (Thanks Axel Roebel).
+    * tests/aiff_rw_test.c
+    Improvements to test program which will later allow it to be generalised to
+    test WAV, SVX and others as required.
+2003-08-14  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * tests/pipe_test.c
+    Add useek_pipe_rw_test() submitted by Russell Francis.
+    * src/sndfile.c
+    In sf_open_fd(), check if input file descriptor is a pipe.
+    * src/sndfile.[ch]
+    Fix typo in variable name do_not_close_descriptor.
+2003-08-13  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/test_log_printf.c
+    Improve the tests for %d and %s conversions.
+    * src/common.c
+    Fixed a few problems in psf_log_printf() found using new tests.
+2003-08-06  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * configure.ac
+    Add -Wwrite-strings warning to CFLAGS if the compiler is GCC. Thanks to
+    Peter Miller (Aegis author) for suggesting this and supplying a patch.
+    * src/*.c examples/*.c tests/*.c
+    Fix all compiler warnings arising from the above.
+    * tests/aiff_rw_test.c tests/Makefile.am
+    New test program to check for errors re-writing the headers of AIFC files
+    opened in mode SFM_RDWR.
+2003-07-21  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * examples/sndfile-play.c
+    Applied a patch from Tero Pelander to allow this program to run on systems
+    using devfs which used /dev/sound/dsp instead of /dev/dsp.
+2003-07-11  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * doc/new_file_type.HOWTO
+    Updated document. Still incomplete.
+2003-06-29  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/sndfile.c
+    Fix VALIDATE_SNDFILE_AND_ASSIGN_PSF which was returning an error rather
+    than saving it and returning zero.
+2003-06-25  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/file_io.c
+    Two fixes for Mac OS9.
+    Fix all casts from sf_count_t to ssize_t (not size_t).
+2003-06-22  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/wav.c
+    Fix for reading files with RIFF length of 8 and data length of 0.
+2003-06-14  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/*.c tests/*.c tests/*.tpl
+    Added comments to mark code for removal when make Lite version of
+    libsndfile.
+2003-06-09  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * examples/sndfile-convert.c
+    Add extra error checking for unrecognised arguments.
+2003-06-08  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/ima_adpcm.c
+    Started adding code to write IMA ADPCM encoded AIFF files.
+    * src/test_log_printf.c src/Makefile.am
+    New file to test psf_log_printf() function and add hooks into build system.
+    * src/common.c
+    Move psf_log_printf() function to top of the file and only compile the rest
+    of the file if if PSF_LOG_PRINTF_ONLY is not defined.
+2003-06-03  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * Win32/config.h Win32/sndfile.h
+    Updated with new config variables.
+    * Win32/unistd.h src/file_io.c
+    Added implementation of S_ISFIFO macro which Win32 seems to lack and is
+    used in src/file_io.c.
+    * tests/utils.tpl
+    Added #include <unitstd.h> to pull in Win32/unistd.h so it compiles for
+    Win32.
+    * src/Makefile.msvc
+    Added src\test_file_io.exe build target and run this as the very first
+    test.
+    * tests/win32_test.c
+    Add support for testing Cygwin32.
+    * configure.ac
+    Detect POSIX fsync() and fdatasync() functions.
+    * src/file_io.c
+    If compiling for Cygwin, call fsync() before calling fstat() to retrieve
+    file length.
+    * tests/pcm_test.tpl
+    Add a test for lrintf() function. This was required to detect a really
+    broken lrint() and lrintf() on Cygwin.
+    * tests/misc_test.c
+    Don't run permission test when compiling under Cygwin.
+    * src/float_cast.h
+    Fix fallback macro for lrint() and lrintf() to cast to long instead of int
+    to match official function prototypes.
+2003-06-02  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * examples/sndfile-convert.c
+    Modifications to improve accuracy of conversions; use double data for
+    floating point and int for everything else.
+    * src/ima_apdcm.c
+    Completed work on decoding IMA ADPCM encoded AIFF files. Still need to
+    get encoding working.
+2003-05-28  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/aiff.c src/ima_adpcm.c
+    Start working on getting IMA ADPCM encoded AIFF files working.
+2003-05-27  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * configure.ac
+    Fixed the touch command for when the autogen program is not found (Matt
+    Flax).
+    * src/ulaw.c src/alaw.c
+    Made these pipe-able.
+2003-05-24  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * src/paf.c src/ircam.c
+    Fixed writing to pipe.
+    * src/wav.c src/aiff.c src/nist.c src/mat*.c src/svx.c src/w64.c
+    Return SFE_NO_PIPE_WRITE if an attempt is made to write to a pipe.
+2003-05-23  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * examples/sndfile-info.c
+    Modified to detect unknown file lengths.
+    * src/mat4.c
+    Fix reading from a pipe.
+2003-05-22  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * tests/pipe_test.c
+    Add more file types to tests.
+    * src/mat4.c
+    Removed explicit setting of psf->sf.seekable to SF_TRUE.
+    * tests/utils.tpl
+    Add macro for generating and check data in the stdio and pipe tests.
+    * tests/stdout_test.c tests/stdin_test.c
+    Use the above macro to generate known data on output and check data on
+    input.
+    * src/voc.c src/htk.c common.h sndfile.c
+    Disallow reading/writing VOC and HTK files from/to pipes be returning new
+    error values.
+    * src/w64.c
+    Fixes to allow reading from a pipe.
+2003-05-21  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * configure.ac src/sndfile.h.in
+    When the configure script determines the sizeof (sf_count_t), also set the
+    value of SF_COUNT_MAX in sndfile.h.
+    * configure.ac
+    Remove -pedantic flag from default GCC compiler flags.
+    * tests/pipe_test.c
+    Add a pipe_read_test() before doing pipe_write_test().
+    * tests/scale_clip_test.c
+    Add test to make sure non-normalized values also clip in the right way.
+2003-05-18  Erik de Castro Lopo  <erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com>
+    * configure.ac
+    Add test to detect processor clipping capabilities.
+    * tests/stdin_test.c tests/stdout_test.c

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