[PD-dev] broken msgs cause Tcl traces, how to debug it?

Hans-Christoph Steiner hans at at.or.at
Mon Jan 23 20:00:32 CET 2012

On Jan 23, 2012, at 12:54 AM, Miller Puckette wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 12:45:09AM -0500, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:
>> Le 2012-01-22 à 21:16:00, Miller Puckette a écrit :
>>> There's not much way around this.  One possibility (if indeed this
>>> is a serious efficiency issue) would be for Pd to append a "done"
>>> message to each batch up tcl to up-send.
>> That's called a newline... not preceded by a backslash. The thing
>> with fconfigure -buffering line is that it doesn't care about
>> backslashes, whereas eval does, and if you use both together, you
>> need to account for that difference.
> As it stands right now, there are new-lines in the middle of certain tcl
> commands sent from Pd, so if newline were it, I'd have to go chase down all 
> the pretty-printing newlines in the Pd code and delete them.  That might
> actually might work; I'd only be worried taht some extern was throwing up tcl
> code with intra-tcl-statement newlines that would occasionally throw false
> positives at the tcl completeness checker, if indeed all it did was check
> that the tcl buffer ended in a newline.
> cheers
> Miller

Ok, so I tried an implementation based on [gets] that is line-by-line, so it gets a line, then executes it.  This version is ridiculously slow, like barely usable.  I'm now trying a version of this that uses [gets] to read everything in the buffer, then executes it in blocks, it seems faster, let's see if it fixes the problem!

Here's the line-by-line execution version:

proc ::pd_connect::pd_readsocket {cmd_from_pd} {
    variable pd_socket
    if {[eof $pd_socket]} {
        # if we lose the socket connection, that means pd quit, so we quit
        close $pd_socket
    if {[gets $pd_socket line] < 0} {return}
    append cmd_from_pd $line\n
    if {[string index $cmd_from_pd end] eq "\\"} {
        ::pd_connect::pd_readsocket $cmd_from_pd
    if {[catch {uplevel #0 $cmd_from_pd} errorname]} {
        global errorInfo
        switch -regexp -- $errorname { 
            "missing close-brace" {
                pd_readsocket $cmd_from_pd
            } "^invalid command name" {
                ::pdwindow::fatal [concat [_ "(Tcl) INVALID COMMAND NAME: "] $errorInfo "\n"]
            } default {
                ::pdwindow::fatal [concat [_ "(Tcl) UNHANDLED ERROR: "] $errorInfo "\n"]



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