Pure Data

Guenter Geiger geiger at epy.co.at
Mon Jul 24 13:06:04 CEST 2000

Gabriel Maldonado writes:
 > Could anyone explain me what "Pure Data" stands for?

Pure Data means, that the original "MIDI Data" centered approach 
of MAX is extended by using additional other data types.
Its an object oriented approach, which means that a "pure datum"
is handled as an data object within pd.

This new approach isn't explored to widely yet, so most users
will program in the normal "MAX" way, which means by using
symbols, float and list types for most data manipulation.

 > Is it possible to actually compose music with PD? In which way are
 > complex scores handled by PD? 

The paradigm of MAX is rather different from the common score centered
approach Csound takes. It's more an algorithm based approach, although
it is definitely possible to build an algorithm which uses a score
file. The qlist object provides facilites for that.

Additionally it is always realtime, which means if your computer is
too slow, you have to split your piece into different tracks and
produce them separately.

PD is very well suited for building programs for interactive
installations, life performances and the like, if you want to 
do score editing you are probably better off with Csound.

Because of it's realtime ability pd lacks dynamic voice instantiation
for instruments, so you have to build your instruments to always
contain the number of voices you want to play at the same time.

 > Why NN is against PD?

Who/what is NN ? 
Why should anyone be against PD ? 


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