zexy: time

_-¯-_ jdl at xdv.org
Thu Aug 17 12:55:15 CEST 2000

 |it works fine, i think, on Win32 machines.
 |the problem with linux seems to be, that most (at least most i know)
 |machines are set up badly concerning the local-time configuration
 |(though this may not be obvious). on my machine it works fantastic (!),
 |the bios-time was set to "local" somewhere in the Linux setup.
 |but of course this is a BUG - i will set it on my todo list

i just testet it ebfore on yet another machine my laptop and it was oke there.
but i ll have a non-pd sync server around as well, so i ll need an offset
layer anyhow ..

×           d           V           ·           0           R           g           

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