serial io on PD

Winfried Ritsch ritsch at
Mon Feb 19 11:27:29 CET 2001


 > The (unfinished) "serial" object just takes incoming numbers (0-255 I think) and
 > sends them out a "com port."  Serial input isn't handled at all.  Look in
 > to see how the serial port is initialized (and change the
 > code as needed...)

I am writing a rough serial object for unix pd (its not really ready):

it could be adapted for NT. 

A problem is the polling:

a) It would be nice if there is a general select somewhere in the pd
   loop which also recognizes the a serial input like MIDI does.
   which means that it should be in s_linux.c

b) or should I make a 0 time clock 

c) or just use non-blocking read and waiting for a read bang on the input...

... any suggestion ... 

(We need it for the head tracker (flock of birds)).

mfg winfried

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