[PD] gem on linux

guenter geiger geiger at epy.co.at
Mon May 7 13:35:29 CEST 2001

On Fri, 4 May 2001, ludwig zeininger wrote:
> the compiler kept complaining about 'strcmp' and 'strcpy' being undeclared.
> i managed to work around strcmp in a couple of Geos files by replacing it
> with a simple comparison. but i don't know what to do about strcpy. actually,
> there's only one occurrance [GemPixImageLoad.cpp, line 59]:
> strcpy(newName, filename);
> i commented that out, so it would compile. only, i cannot load images now...
You should be able to solve this with the correct include files.
With libc6.1 this is 
#include <string.h>
it might be different on your system, check with "man strcpy",

.. and let me know which included file you used, ..
(strcpy and strcmp are declared in the same file)


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