[PD] quoting? help

_-¯-_ jdl at xdv.org
Thu May 10 01:52:07 CEST 2001

e.g. http://iem.kug.ac.at/pdb/query.html?ext=y&alb=y&qry=makesymbol

 |I would like to convert incomming numbers over midi in filnames of
 |audiofiles, my problem is if i want to do this, its impossible to do this
 |without a blank between '/' and the '$' sign. Is there somthing possible like
 |quoting?, that pd ignors the character before the dollar sign?
 |----- | 1 ( ----- -------------------- | set open ../sound/$1.wav(
 |-------------------- -------- | print | --------
-+ × Ð u · o r g

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