[PD] conditional signals

Miller Puckette mpuckett at man104-1.ucsd.edu
Tue May 29 18:03:21 CEST 2001

Hi Evan 

"receive~" and "throw~" are switchable... perhaps one of them will
do what you need...


On Tue, May 29, 2001 at 02:35:12AM -0700, evan sugerman wrote:
> ....
> Is there an object to route audio signals; a switch of sorts.  At the moment I have an overly complex network of amplitude changes doing the job....there must be a more concise way of doing this, right?
> ......maybe convert the signal, route it, then convert again.  If so which object is best for this type of conversion.  I have a very many if-then system.
> hugsandkisses.evan

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