[PD] high frequency control data

IOhannes m zmoelnig zmoelnig at iem.kug.ac.at
Wed Nov 7 01:12:57 CET 2001

"Andrew W. Schmeder" wrote: 
> The other options are to do tricky stuff with
> the block size and overlap or use some completely different method like
> convolution (also untested ideas for me).
not that tricky:
|block~ 1|
should exactly give you what you want: control_rate:=dsp_rate
2 things:
a) if you want access to the adc~/dac~, you will have to do it in a
subpatch (nona: as with all uses of the block~ object)
b) most signal-routines have optimized loop-kernels (and therefore doing
some more or less nasty things outside the loop-kernel). performance
will be significantly worse


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