PD and ggee

Darwin Marcus Johnson schwaahed at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 7 18:12:31 CET 2001

guenter geiger wrote:

>What particular problems do you have with ggee ?
I am not sure if I have installed ggee incorrectly of simply don't
know how to use the extensions. I am not experienced with PD
so I am not sure.

Is there a simple way to test to see if it is installed correctly?

I am not really sure what I am up to a need a nudge in the right
direction. I don't know if this gives any clues:



-lib /usr/local/lib/pd/externs

bash-2.05# ls /usr/local/lib/pd/externs/
atan2~.pd_linux            lowpass.pd_linux      serialize.pd_linux
bandpass.pd_linux        lowshelf.pd_linux     sfplay~.pd_linux
constant.pd_linux        messages.pd_linux     sfread~.pd_linux
define_louds_routines.pd_linux    mixer~.pd_linux       sfwrite~.pd_linux
define_loudspeakers.pd_linux    moog~.pd_linux          shell.pd_linux
envgen.pd_linux            notch.pd_linux          sinh.pd_linux
equalizer.pd_linux        pipewrite~.pd_linux   sl.pd_linux
exp~.pd_linux            prepend.pd_linux      state.pd_linux
externs                pvocfreq.pd_linux     stk.pd_linux
fasor~.pd_linux            qread.pd_linux          streamin~.pd_linux
fofsynth~.pd_linux        rl.pd_linux          streamout~.pd_linux
highpass.pd_linux        rtin~.pd_linux          stripdir.pd_linux
highshelf.pd_linux        rtout.pd_linux          unserialize.pd_linux
hlshelf.pd_linux        serial_bird.pd_linux  unwonk.pd_linux
inv.pd_linux            serial_ms.pd_linux    vbap.pd_linux
joystick.pd_linux        serial_mt.pd_linux
log~.pd_linux            serialctl.pd_linux

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