[PD] [ggee] sfread~/mmap dropouts ?
x at meta.lo-res.org
Fri Dec 14 16:21:33 CET 2001
when I use multiple instances of sfread~ and I change the file in one of
them I get occasional dropouts (esp. with large [5min stereo 44.1] files,
sometimes up to 2 secs) even when there are hardly any other processes
(even sys/klogd killed), -rt, lowlat enabled, swap is off.
that's PIII at 700Mhz/192Mb
hdparm -Tt says:
Timing buffer-cache reads: 128 MB in 0.83 seconds =154.22 MB/sec
Timing buffered disk reads: 64 MB in 4.13 seconds = 15.50 MB/sec
under normal conditions ... I can squeeze out a bit more tuning the
settings but the problem persists ...
you guessed it that's on linux (Debian 3.0/ kernel 2.4.16-lowlat)
any hints ?
chris at lo-res.org Postmodernism is german romanticism with better
http://pilot.fm/ special effects. (Jeff Keuss / via ctheory.com)
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