AW: [PD] pd-max compatibility

Thomas Grill t.grill at
Sun Apr 21 12:15:52 CEST 2002


> I am trying to develop some work simultaneously in pd (at home)
> and max (in
> school). Besides trying the most to use objects common to both, I will try
> to design copies of the max objects that don't exist on pd, and maybe also
> vice-versa.

since i'm also working on both platforms i have to face the same problem.
Yet, i somehow gave up to strive for complete compatibility in general, just
because of the small details in differences between the respective objects
that make more complicated patches impossible to port. You will sure be
successful in transferring small and simple pieces but not that easily with
real performance stuff, especially when using Max's colls or gui objects.
The xsample objects were born due to this hindsight.
Now, i try to decide beforehand what platform to use which is fairly easy
because it's the choice between desktop and laptop.

all the best,

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