[PD] table to receive?

Frank Barknecht barknech at ph-cip.uni-koeln.de
Thu Jun 6 08:49:42 CEST 2002

Andre Schmidt hat gesagt: // Andre Schmidt wrote:

> i got 32 toggle buttons with receive-symbols "$0-jp01-r",
> "$0-jp02-r", "$0-jp03-r"... etc. and i managed to save the actual
> states of the buttons in a table. and saving&loading that table
> in/from a file is also no problem...  but now i want to update the
> state of toggle buttons from the table and that seems to take my
> patience, so any help on this would be very thankfull

I'm not sure, if it's the best way, but I once did this with a fast [for++]
from IEMLIB and a [tabread]. See example, where the for++ is slow.

 Frank Barknecht                               _ ______footils.org__
-------------- next part --------------
#N canvas 417 183 530 475 10;
#X obj 207 173 tabread seq;
#X obj 288 44 bng 15 250 50 0 empty \$0-jp1-r empty 0 -6 576 8 -262144
-1 -1;
#X obj 34 41 table seq 3;
#X obj 309 44 bng 15 250 50 0 empty \$0-jp2-r empty 0 -6 576 8 -262144
-1 -1;
#X obj 330 44 bng 15 250 50 0 empty \$0-jp3-r empty 0 -6 576 8 -262144
-1 -1;
#X obj 124 104 for++ 1 3 1000;
#X obj 40 174 makefilename \$0-jp%d-r;
#X obj 104 259 pack s 0;
#X msg 104 296 \; \$1 \$2;
#X obj 229 40 bng 32 250 50 0 empty empty start 0 -6 0 8 -260818 -1
#X floatatom 175 259 5 0 0;
#X connect 0 0 7 1;
#X connect 0 0 10 0;
#X connect 5 0 0 0;
#X connect 5 0 6 0;
#X connect 6 0 7 0;
#X connect 7 0 8 0;
#X connect 9 0 5 0;

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