[PD] collision detection in GEM?

CK x at meta.lo-res.org
Sat Jun 8 14:12:30 CEST 2002

I read:
> I'm building a GEM patch with some kinematics simulation (like gravity,
> inertia, collisions). Is there a way to check if two GEM objects share
> space?

I don't think so , but then again I'm not a |gemhead| ;)
> How can I obtain the screen coordinates of a GEM object? Or test if a

I guess your patches should know 

> screen coordinate lies within a certain GEM object?

roll your own I guess such abstraction would be very useful for many people
all I googled up in the short time was:


or if you want to go the externals road you might find 





chris at lo-res.org	Postmodernism is german romanticism with better
http://pilot.fm/	special effects. (Jeff Keuss / via ctheory.com)

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