[PD] readanysf~, a beginning

Thomas Grill t.grill at gmx.net
Tue Apr 1 12:40:20 CEST 2003

Hi August,

>i noticed in your thread2 example that it doesnt really stop the thread.
>at least not on my machine.  I open a test patch with thread2 object and
>it looks like this with 'ps afmx'
>|       \_ pd -noadc thread.pd
>|           \_usr/local/lib/pd/bin/pd-gui 
>|           \_ pd -noadc thread.pd
>|               \_ pd -noadc thread.pd
>if I delete the object on the canvas or even close the patch by clicking
>on the "close" icon from the Window Manager (window maker),  it still
>looks the same as above with 'ps afmx'

i'm not sure if there's anything wrong with that... when a thread is 
running (see the thread2.pd example patch to start 3 threads) there's a 
further entry in ps afx. When you delete the object this entry vanished 

>with readanysf~ , I am now using the ShouldExit() check in my while
>statement.  If true, I clean up and return.  Funny enough, if I delete the
>object from the canvas, it WILL stop the thread...or at least it goes away
>with 'ps afmx'.  But, if I click the patch away (close it without deleting
>the object first) the thread seems to stay alive. 
here's everything just ok.
Could you send me your updated source code?

best greetings,

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