[PD] [inlet], [outlet].

Kjetil S. Matheussen k.s.matheussen at notam02.no
Wed May 7 15:20:17 CEST 2003

On 6 May 2003, Marc Lavallée wrote:

> Josh Steiner wrote :
> > marc, its just not feasible to change that this late in the game, every
> > single pd patch ever writen would break if miller made this change.
> It would only break patches that depends on the connection order; since
> we mostly use [trigger] when timing is critical, it wouldn't break
> "that" many patches.

Since neither outlet nor inlet currently has any arguments (as far as I
know), it shouldn't break any patches if arguments were introduced.

Personally, I think the idea is very good.

In addition, I would very much like if created inlet and outlet objects
automaticly get a unique color when created.
(For example: green background -> inlet, red background -> outlet)


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