[PD] Data structure arrays: plotting and editing "w"

Frank Barknecht fbar at footils.org
Sat Aug 28 12:33:11 CEST 2004


when plotting an array using [plot] there are three variables treated
special in array element templates: x, y and w. Now if I use the w to
let the line width change, I'm not able  to change the y-position of
an element with the mouse anymore. This is on Linux.

I still can change y using "set" objects, though. Is there a way to
design my templates, so that y stays mouse-editable as well?

I attached an example patch, which should show this behaviour (w.pd).

 Frank Barknecht                               _ ______footils.org__
-------------- next part --------------
#N struct grob-lib-w float x float y array numbers num-w;
#N struct num-w float y float x float w;
#N canvas 399 173 763 587 12;
#N canvas 0 0 450 300 paint 1;
#X scalar grob-lib-w 160 167 \; 0 -12 23 \; 0 86 15 \; \;;
#X restore 577 17 pd paint;
#X msg 490 168 bang;
#X msg 582 169 clear;
#X obj 582 200 s pd-paint;
#X text 76 168 <----------------;
#X text 311 166 <----------------;
#X text 536 167 <--;
#X floatatom 87 479 5 0 0 0 change-x - -;
#X msg 261 168 100;
#X obj 223 290 hradio 15 1 0 8 empty empty select-array-element 0 -10
0 10 -262144 -1 -1 0;
#X text 33 291 |;
#X text 33 271 |;
#X floatatom 52 220 5 0 8 0 - - -;
#X msg 87 444 set \$1;
#X text 45 304 --------------->;
#X obj 261 203 x-append pd-paint grob-lib-w;
#X obj 32 245 setsize grob-lib-w numbers;
#X obj 223 311 element grob-lib-w numbers;
#X floatatom 547 487 5 0 0 0 change-w - -;
#X msg 547 452 set \$1;
#X obj 547 514 set num-w w;
#X obj 547 425 get num-w w;
#X obj 87 417 get num-w x;
#X obj 87 506 set num-w x;
#X obj 223 334 s \$0-cur;
#X obj 641 485 r \$0-cur;
#X obj 547 400 r \$0-cur;
#X obj 182 483 r \$0-cur;
#X obj 87 392 r \$0-cur;
#X msg 32 168 2;
#X floatatom 311 453 5 0 0 0 change-y - -;
#X msg 311 418 set \$1;
#X obj 405 451 r \$0-cur;
#X obj 311 366 r \$0-cur;
#X obj 311 391 get num-w y;
#X obj 311 480 set num-w y;
#X msg 652 169 vis 1;
#N canvas 0 0 450 300 tpl 0;
#X text 168 109 float with x \, y and w fields;
#X text 204 135 num-w plotted;
#N canvas 445 540 648 345 grob-lib-w 0;
#X text 42 137 Arrays are painted using "plot" drawing instructions:
#X text 44 21 This declares an array named "numbers" whose elements
are described by the template "num". Note that array declarations take
three arguments: the word "array" \, the name of the array and the
name of the elements.;
#X obj 57 166 plot numbers 90 5 15 0 15;
#X obj 65 98 struct grob-lib-w float x float y array numbers num-w
#X restore 66 139 pd grob-lib-w;
#N canvas 686 559 581 359 num-w 0;
#X obj 91 184 filledpolygon 900 900 1 0 -5 10 -5 10 5 0 5;
#X text 112 154 A red box visualizes the float values:;
#X obj 135 95 struct num-w float y float x float w;
#X text 80 32 The num-w float has a w and an x field added.;
#X restore 65 111 pd num-w;
#X restore 633 97 pd tpl;
#X text 53 109 Now we added a field "w" as well. It will control the
line width. Additionally it will make it impossible to still control
y with the mouse. :(;
#X text 26 17 An Array's Alphabet: W \, X \, Y;
#X text 54 56 Array plots behave differently \, if the array elements
contain fields named "x" \, "y" and/or "w".;
#X connect 1 0 15 1;
#X connect 2 0 3 0;
#X connect 7 0 23 0;
#X connect 8 0 15 0;
#X connect 9 0 17 0;
#X connect 12 0 16 0;
#X connect 13 0 7 0;
#X connect 15 0 16 1;
#X connect 15 0 17 1;
#X connect 17 0 24 0;
#X connect 18 0 20 0;
#X connect 19 0 18 0;
#X connect 21 0 19 0;
#X connect 22 0 13 0;
#X connect 25 0 20 1;
#X connect 26 0 21 0;
#X connect 27 0 23 1;
#X connect 28 0 22 0;
#X connect 29 0 16 0;
#X connect 30 0 35 0;
#X connect 31 0 30 0;
#X connect 32 0 35 1;
#X connect 33 0 34 0;
#X connect 34 0 31 0;
#X connect 36 0 3 0;
-------------- next part --------------
#N canvas 286 300 450 300 10;
#X obj 176 188 append \$2 x;
#X obj 248 107 symbol \$1;
#X obj 248 159 pointer;
#X msg 248 132 traverse \$1 \, bang;
#X obj 248 74 inlet;
#X obj 126 73 inlet;
#X obj 126 115 f;
#X obj 309 73 loadbang;
#X text 124 49 x-coord;
#X text 250 49 bang or paint area name;
#X text 78 225 arguments;
#X text 118 245 1: painting area (where?);
#X text 117 264 2: template definition (what?);
#X obj 176 215 outlet;
#X connect 0 0 13 0;
#X connect 1 0 3 0;
#X connect 2 0 0 1;
#X connect 3 0 2 0;
#X connect 4 0 1 0;
#X connect 5 0 6 0;
#X connect 6 0 0 0;
#X connect 7 0 1 0;

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