[PD] Read 256 values from a netserver connection and holding them in a table

IOhannes m zmoelnig zmoelnig at iem.at
Mon Nov 22 09:24:46 CET 2004

luisalamas at sapo.pt wrote:
> Thank for your support ...

thanks for the ascii-mail.
but please reply not only to me but to the whole list. other people 
might be interested as well.

> I will send in attachment the patch (FinalServer.pd)

i see.

i am still not sure what you want to achieve in the first place:
i can think of 2 possibilities:
a) each time you get a value from [netserver] you write this value to 
the table and increment the index by one ("asynchronous"); after the 
table is full you re-start at the beginning
i guess this is not what you want
b) a counter increments the index according to a reference clock. 
whenever a value comes in from [netserver] it is inserted at the 
"correct" place in the table ("synchronous"); i guess this is more what 
you want.

your patch does following:
a new value comes in
you start a clocked index-counter ([metro]) that counts *quite fast* 
(but *not* immediatly) from 0.
"in the meanwhile" you send the "value" to the first inlet of the 
[tabwrite]; as the index (2nd inlet) happens to be 0, you write this 
value into the first element of the array.
the counter continues to increment the index each dsp-tick (the "grain" 
of pd's message system) until it reaches 256 and then stops.
if nothing comes in in this time (1.3ms*256) the result would be:
the value is stored in the first element of the table; the rest of the 
table is untouched.
if a value arives while the counter is still counting, this value will 
be inserted at the "current" index (which is a function of time but 
looks rather random)

what is going wrong ? your index-counter does not behave well (i think, 
but of course i might be wrong)

for scenario-a use something like

[t f b] _______
|     | |     |
|     [i]     |
|     |       |
|     [+ 1]   |
|     |       |
|     [% 256] |
|     |_______|
|     |
[tabwrite bla]

for scenario-b you should detach the clock of the counter entirely from 
your input values.
and just as a tip, try to make the index the "master" that defines the 
time, when a new value is inserted.
and why do you run metro at full speed ?

[metro 10]
[i]/[+ 1]/[% 256]
|    [netserver]
|    |
[$2 $1(
[tabwrite bla]

oh, i tried to not give the full solution...


original patch:
#N canvas 344 21 944 851 12;
#X symbolatom 221 252 10 0 0;
#X floatatom 182 292 5 0 0;
#X floatatom 153 328 5 0 0;
#X text 266 271 IP do cliente;
#X text 216 312 numero do sockect;
#X text 183 346 numero de ligacoes;
#X text 60 374 dados recebidos;
#X obj 553 272 route float list;
#X obj 620 338 print list;
#X floatatom 548 368 5 0 0;
#X obj 688 315 print anything;
#X floatatom 654 228 5 0 0;
#X msg 523 103 connect localhost 3000;
#X msg 586 143 disconnect;
#X floatatom 57 358 5 0 0;
#X obj 584 193 netclient;
#X msg 100 96 client 1 234 \;;
#X msg 218 136 client 2 418 \;;
#X msg 458 56 send 18 \;;
#X msg 51 69 print \;;
#X obj 82 209 netserver 3000;
#X obj 10 424 print ola;
#X obj 13 661 table vermelho 256;
#X text -10 702 array de 256x1 de valores que se chama vermelho;
#X obj 73 767 tabread vermelho;
#X floatatom 25 818 5 0 0;
#X msg 418 572 bang;
#X obj 418 602 metro;
#X msg 358 608 0;
#X obj 418 637 float;
#X obj 511 640 + 1;
#X floatatom 511 678 5 0 0;
#X obj 514 713 moses 257;
#X msg 490 571 stop;
#X obj 11 605 tabwrite vermelho;
#X text 407 738 contador de 256 valores;
#X obj 213 506 f;
#X obj 252 507 mod 257;
#X obj 330 508 + 1;
#X obj 207 469 metro;
#X floatatom 212 535 5 0 0;
#X msg 196 436 stop;
#X msg 114 426 bang;
#X obj 240 573 moses 256;
#X floatatom 42 733 5 0 0;
#X obj -15 445 s mi;
#X obj -17 482 r mi;
#X obj 112 810 print vermelho;
#X obj 2 520 t f;
#X obj -4 552 unpack;
#X connect 7 0 9 0;
#X connect 7 1 8 0;
#X connect 7 2 10 0;
#X connect 12 0 15 0;
#X connect 13 0 15 0;
#X connect 14 0 21 0;
#X connect 14 0 42 0;
#X connect 14 0 45 0;
#X connect 15 0 7 0;
#X connect 15 1 11 0;
#X connect 16 0 20 0;
#X connect 17 0 20 0;
#X connect 18 0 15 0;
#X connect 19 0 20 0;
#X connect 20 0 14 0;
#X connect 20 1 2 0;
#X connect 20 2 1 0;
#X connect 20 3 0 0;
#X connect 24 0 25 0;
#X connect 24 0 47 0;
#X connect 26 0 27 0;
#X connect 26 0 28 0;
#X connect 27 0 29 0;
#X connect 28 0 29 1;
#X connect 29 0 30 0;
#X connect 30 0 29 1;
#X connect 30 0 31 0;
#X connect 31 0 32 0;
#X connect 32 0 44 0;
#X connect 32 1 33 0;
#X connect 33 0 27 0;
#X connect 36 0 38 0;
#X connect 36 0 34 1;
#X connect 36 0 40 0;
#X connect 37 0 36 1;
#X connect 38 0 37 0;
#X connect 39 0 36 0;
#X connect 40 0 43 0;
#X connect 41 0 39 0;
#X connect 42 0 39 0;
#X connect 43 1 41 0;
#X connect 44 0 24 0;
#X connect 46 0 48 0;
#X connect 48 0 49 0;
#X connect 49 0 34 0;

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