[PD] [pdp]no pdp_qt after install?

chunlee leechun at leechun.freeserve.co.uk
Fri Dec 17 19:48:58 CET 2004

hi there:

i have just compiled pdp-0.12.4 a few days ago and had no problem, now i
got sometime to look into pdp but realized that i don't have [pdp_qt].
it just says 

... couldn't create

this is in Fedora Core 2. 

in running ./configure, i got

checking for lqt_decode_video in -lquicktime... yes
checking for glXSwapBuffers in -lGL... yes
checking for SDL_Init in -lSDL... yes
target is linux
used configure options:

make/make install did not give me any error during compile either. and
when i look into to see what has been install, i got:

pdp_conv_sobel_ver.pd   pdp_phase_ver.pd           
pdp_diff.pd             pdp_png_to.p           pdp_dither.pd         
pdp_affine.pd           pdp_gain3.pd           pdp_qt_control.pd
pdp_agc.pd              pdp_gradient.pd        pdp_qtloop2~.pd
pdp_blur_hor.pd         pdp_grey.pd            pdp_qtloop~.pd
pdp_blur.pd             pdp_invert.pd          pdp_saturation.pd
pdp_blur_ver.pd         pdp_m_inverse.pd       pdp_save_png_sequence.pd
pdp_cheby3o.pd          pdp_motion_blur.pd     pdp_sub.pd
pdp_contrast.pd         pdp_motion_fade.pd     pdp_tag.pd
pdp_conv_alledge.pd     pdp_motion_phase.pd    pdp_xv_keycursor.pd
pdp_conv_emboss.pd      pdp_offset.pd          
pdp_conv_smooth.pd      pdp.pd_linux           
pdp_conv_sobel_edge.pd  pdp_phase_hor.pd       
pdp_conv_sobel_hor.pd   pdp_phase.pd

i am not sure what happened or if i did something wrong, can anyone



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