[PD] Re: [PD-dev] Re: prepend w/ set message - ignore

Krzysztof Czaja czaja at chopin.edu.pl
Tue Jan 4 16:08:58 CET 2005

Mathieu Bouchard wrote:
> Ok, since all this [prepend] ties in with how the whole of the Pd
> messagesystem is supposed to work, I have a question: if I do something
> like:
>   [bang( -> [t a a] ->                 [prepend test this]
> and
>   [bang( -> [t a a] -> [route list] -> [prepend test this]
> which one should be produced?
>   (a) first 'test this',        second no-op
>   (b) first 'test this bang',   second no-op
>   (c) both  'test this list 0'
>   (d) first 'test this list 0', second no-op
> Personally I'd expect either (b), or _maybe_ (a), and actually, replacing
> [t a a] with my own [fork] object (which does 99% the same), i get (b).
> However, trying the first case with [t a a], I think i get (c), until I
> try the second case and the reality is (d) (this behaviour of [route] is
> even documented as a _feature_ in route-help.pd)

cyclone's prepend does (e) first 'test this 0', but read on:

> Conclusion: in Pd,
>   1. "anything" really means "anything but bang".
>   2. a bang casted to the "anything" type becomes a list of single 0

still marked in my archive is this:

Miller Puckette wrote:
 > This seems wrong.  Also, I think "trigger list" should be putting
 > out a bang (empty list) instead of a "0".  But I should go find out
 > what Max does for these...!
 > cheers
 > Miller
 > On Mon, Sep 09, 2002 at 05:42:03AM +0200, Maurizio Umberto Puxeddu wrote:
 >>Sending a bang to a "trigger anything" object I get 0.


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