[PD] error: inlet: no method for \'list\'

thewade pdman at aproximation.org
Thu Mar 10 04:11:43 CET 2005

> IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
>> thewade wrote:
>> I want to have an inlet that takes both floats, symbols and lists of
>> floats and or symbols. I should be able to do this by connecting an
>> inlet to a [route 0 1 symbol list] for example, but when I use a
>> message to send a list to this inlet from the outside I get:
>> error: inlet: no method for \\\'list\\\'
>> When I got this for symbol I just made another inlet and connected it
>> to [symbol].
>> How do I fix this?
> [route float symbol list]
> this _does_ work

Indeed it does. That is not my problem.
My problem is that the inlet of a subpatch gives me the afore
mentioned trouble.

Here is a link to a jpeg that might better explain my problem:

Thanks for the help though!

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