[PD] decription of pyext's methods

Frank Barknecht fbar at footils.org
Thu May 12 20:32:23 CEST 2005

Thomas goepfer hat gesagt: // Thomas goepfer wrote:

> I'm searching a doc (arguments) about these methods for pyext:
> _blocksize
> _samplerate

There might be an easier way, but you could use the source, Luke: 
The methods all have short descriptions in the various files in the
source directory. "grep" can ge a friend here: 

$ grep _blocksize *
main.h: static PyObject *py_blocksize(PyObject *,PyObject *args);
modmeth.cpp:    { "_blocksize", pybase::py_blocksize, METH_NOARGS,"Get
system block size" },
modmeth.cpp:    "_blocksize(): Get current blocksize\n"
modmeth.cpp:PyObject *pybase::py_blocksize(PyObject *self,PyObject

You can also print the __doc__-string using e.g.: 

    # methods for first inlet

    def bang_1(self):
        print pyext.__doc__
        print pyext._class.__doc__

in some script, which will print: 

py/pyext - python external object for PD and Max/MSP, (C)2002-2005
Thomas Grill

This is the pyext base class. Available methods:
_outlet(self,ix,args...): Send a message to an indexed outlet
_tocanvas(self,args...): Send a message to the parent canvas
_bind(self,name,func): Bind a python function to a symbol
_unbind(self,name,func): Unbind a python function from a symbol
_detach(self,int): Define whether a called Python method has its own
_stop(self): Stop running threads
_isthreaded(self): Query whether threading is enabled

py/pyext - python external object for PD and Max/MSP, (C)2002-2005
Thomas Grill

This is the pyext module. Available function:
_send(args...): Send a message to a send symbol
_priority(int): Raise/lower thread priority
_samplerate(): Get system sample rate
_blocksize(): Get current blocksize
_getvalue(name): Get value of a 'value' object
_setvalue(name,float): Set value of a 'value' object

 Frank Barknecht                               _ ______footils.org__
          _ __latest track: "scans" _ http://footils.org/cms/show/41

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