[PD] [soundfiler] normalizing max amplitude inf to 1 ?

Enrique Erne pd at mild.ch
Fri Sep 2 13:36:23 CEST 2005

hi peter

thanks for your suggestion .

>  But, my question is: do you really want to do these calculations in 
> pd?
not necessary but as pd is my only audio tool ...
... yes

>  I'm sure, there are some more appropriate solutions.

> E.g. in Matlab (you can use Octave, as well), my solution is:
> x=wavread('filename');
> y=x./max(max(abs(x))); % find the max. peak in any channel
> wavwrite(y, FS, 'newfilename'); % FS=sampling rate

this code looks nice .

I'm still curious about 'normalizing max amplitude inf to 1'.


should I just look for a sample editor ...
... no I like my pd-stuff to be pure (sick?)

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