[PD] max msp vs pd

Yves Degoyon ydegoyon at free.fr
Sat Oct 29 23:02:16 CEST 2005

carmen wrote:

>On Sat, Oct 29, 2005 at 04:04:20PM -0400, day 5 wrote:
>>Oh man isn't that some truth!! I learned Max and bought a $60 nine 
>>month student license and at the end I was *NOT* convinced it was worth 
>>the $$$ those greedy guys are after.
>hrmm. if i really wanted to use a graphical dataflow patcher environment right this minute/second/day, id proably consider buying max. ive certainly spent $495 of my time trying to make PD acceptable, and would proably need a lot more to get it there. i mean the basics like "click a icon, and it just works" for one... not to mention all the usability improvements, video and openGL stuff in the patcher, wrap-to-plugins etc..
mm, you mean "one-click users", i don't exactly see the interest...

>but a lot of things that are a limitation in one are a limitation in the other, i mean why do you see so many cases of hacking in languages (javascript in max, everying-but-javascript in pd) instead of extending/flexibilitating the core so that you dont think "damnit, i need ruby for this..."
i definitely like that Miller's statement, "max is an old-program",
think it's not even open to python ))

anyway, the problem is not even this,
it is how once free ideas got into the market.
but id on't want to waste time on competing with max,
pd is different and everybody here tries to make it better,
although better doesn't mean more simple, not all the time.


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