[PD] Pd stucks: how to debug?

Piotr Majdak piotr at majdak.com
Thu Nov 3 16:04:43 CET 2005


I have a patch for acoustic measurements and control it via OSC to play 
some sounds and record the responses. I repeat the same measurement many 
  (200...2000) times. Sometimes my patch gets stuck - pd main window 
reponses (menus are reponding), but the CPU load goes up to 60% and my 
patch doesn't respond. I even can't close it. No error ocures, not even 
in verbose mode. Closing pd and starting it again helps ;-)

Do you have an idea how to debug such a problem? Where to start?
I use pd-0.39.1 on Windows XP.

br, Piotr

Piotr Majdak
Institut für Schallforschung
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Reichsratsstr. 17
A-1010 Wien
Tel.: +43-1-4277-29511
Fax: +43-1-4277-9296
E-Mail: piotr at majdak.com
WWW: http://www.kfs.oeaw.ac.at

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