[PD] midi .smf files in PD

thewade pdman at aproximation.org
Tue Nov 15 01:56:56 CET 2005

Thank you all for the help with the midi file issue, or rather the 
update that there really is no basic midi file tool yet.
I will investigate seq in cyclone!
In the mean time if someone starts to code, I might suguest that they 
merge qlist and midifile(in|out) in functionality. For example the 
midifile tool reads in a midi file like a qlist so that you can rewind, 
jump to points, insert and delete entries as well as save the file. It 
might be as easy as starting with the qlist.c file, renaming it and 
adding .smf and .mid file format serializers. (I say this as if I know 
what I am talking about...)

Anyway, just a suguestion.
Thanks again!

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