[PD] dynamic stochastic synthesis in pd?

yukio kuroiwa yukio_kuroiwa at fastmail.fm
Thu Dec 15 08:24:04 CET 2005

hi , can you explain how have you been using those chaotic equations for
sound synthesis?
have you been using them for the generation of sound itself? i been
investigating about this....
in the stochastic synthesis as convieved by xenakis , stochastic laws
are used to generate the succesive sample amplitudude values of digital
sound. how can i  use the  numbers from one the  pd chaos objects to
determine  sample amplitude values and the interpolation between them. 
how can this be achieved in pd?
how can i calculate interpolation between samples?
the idea is to use each couple of numbers (x-y axis?)from the chaotic
attractor  to control the lenght(how many samples?) of a segment
(sucession of samples) and the last sample amplitude value of the
segment... the sample values inside  my segment are  gonna be calculated
by interpolation. any hint?


> i been experimenting using chaotic equations and strange attractors to
> control some synthesis parameters, but i now im more interested of
> using them as a source for direct sound synthesis.

i haven't been implementing any of the gendy algorithms, but i've been
using other kinds of chaotic equations for sound synthesis ...

the sources for my external are available on the cvs:

> for exampe i was trying to use the numbers resulting from those
> equations as a waveform using sig~ object with no luck. i just get
> some clicks . 
> can anybody explain me how can i get sonorous signals from those
> numbers? is there any special math  or trick?

i've been using 0 different kinds of interpolation between samples ...
sample&hold, linear and cubic ... but one thing is the interpolation,
the more complex problem is to find parameter values that give a decent
behaviour ...

cheers ... tim

mailto:TimBlechmann at gmx.de    ICQ: 96771783

latest mp3: kMW.mp3

latest cd: Goh Lee Kwang & Tim Blechmann: Drone

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would say "I want to see the manager."
                                      William S. Burroughs
  yukio kuroiwa
  yukio_kuroiwa at fastmail.fm

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