[PD] again: graphic display of data structs and pd-0.39

Orm Finnendahl finnendahl at folkwang-hochschule.de
Wed Feb 22 17:24:28 CET 2006

Hi all,

I sent the message below some time ago and didn't see any
response. Can somebody comment on it? My work heavily depends on fast
redrawing of simple polygons and I need to know whether it's a bug or
a policy change (for good?).



 displaying data-structs with "drawpolygon" seems to have changed
between pd-0.38 and pd-0.39.

With 0.38 it is possible to move and resize ca. 500 polygons at once
in realtime (like a movie), whereas in 0.39 the response is very
sluggish and the display interrupted.

Is that a design issue, prioritizing audio to graphic update, is it
possible to obtain pd's old behaviour somehow without going back to
outdated versions, or is this a bug?


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