[PD] midi learn, osc learn - state saving

patrick patrick at 11h11.com
Wed Mar 1 15:59:32 CET 2006

hi all,

in the process of making an audio patch (in, out, fx, seq etc.) link 
with open sound control and my uc-33e (midi controller). i was using 
memento for the first version of my patch. now i tried the simpler 
state-saving patch from frank for pd 0.39.2 - nice! but still missing to 
pd is a midi learn and osc learn. it works like that:

1) bang "learning"
2) touch a gui
3) move 1 controller from your device (uc-33e in my case)
3) or move 1 gui from another computer link by osc
4) save this setup

anything done like that or alternative solution?


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