[PD] pd window messages

IOhannes m zmoelnig zmoelnig at iem.at
Fri Apr 28 09:18:17 CEST 2006

Andrew Cole wrote:
> Hi,
> Does anyone know of a way to grab messages that are printed to the PD
> window, for example if a sound file has a bad header or an object fails
> to load?

use "-stderr" to dump them to the standard error, then redirect the
stderr to stdout then pipe it to whereever you want.

i admit that this is not really trivial.
this should give you a start:

pd -stderr -verbose 2>&1 | while read line
  echo "${line};" | pdsend 6666 localhost udp

you can then fetch everything that is printed via a udp-listener on port
6666, either via pdreceive (which might be kind of pointless in this
case) or via [netreceive] in either a separate pd-task or in the very
same pd-task; be aware of feedbacks then!
and of course you have no console any more...


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