[Pd] Complex audio signals

Georg Holzmann grhPD at gmx.at
Tue Jun 20 15:04:57 CEST 2006


>> Using [rfft~] you can process real signals only...
> I meant like:
> [readsf~] (for instance)
> |
> [rfft~]
> |      |
> [ifft~]  [num\ [num\
> |   |     |         |
> [czero~]
> |
> [dac~]

hm - why do you use [rfft~] - [ifft~] ?
THis will give you the same signal as bevor (well, you would have to 
scale it by 1/blocksize somewhere) and the imaginary part will be 0 ...

[rfft~] is the same as [fft~] with 0 to the imaginary input - but 
[rfft~] should be faster than [fft~] ...


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