[PD] Objects to simulate mouse and keyboard events on X11

Alexandre Quessy listes at sourcelibre.com
Sat Jul 15 04:22:45 CEST 2006

These are objects for Pure Data. Linux binaries are included.
Currently, you can download it at
http://alexandre.quessy.net/?q=node/41 and if there is no objection, I
would put it in the PD CVS under extensions/purex11/

[x11mouse] generates a X11 mouse event
[x11key] generates a X11 keyboard event
[xmms] controls the X Multimedia System
[matches] matches a symbol against a Perl compatible regular expression


To use on Linux, add the path to this file into your ~/.pdrc invisible file.
Currenly, the only one to work on Mac is [matches].


To compile on Debian, execute the follwing command in a terminal.
It could probably work on Mac too, instlaling the packages with Fink. Tell
me if ever you need it for Mac, as the makefile will need to be modified.

sudo apt-get install xlib-dev xmms-dev
cd aalex11


GNU Public License
)c( Copyleft 2006
Enjoy at your own risks !

Alexandre Quessy

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